I Think I'm sick (AN)

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Hey so ya boi thinks they're sick, I know this is probably very disheartening because I haven't posted a story part in a while but yes I'm pretty sure I'm sick.

What I mean by that is yes I probably have a flu but I also think I need help.

I keep trying to get better but I just keep getting worse than I already am, because I can't eat properly I haven't been able to for a while now almost three years now so I am going to try and ask for help.

I'm not self-diagnosing, that's not what I'm trying to accomplish, I really don't want to keep lying to myself saying that I'm fine when I'm clearly not.

I want to get better for my sake and come back with full force and start to write again.

I really hope you understand but for now it is goodbye, I will be back when I'm in a better state.

Thank you for reading this I appreciate more than you could ever imagine, thank you again and I'll see you guys in days, weeks maybe even months depending on my state.

*waves* I love you guys so keep yourself safe and if you think you need help don't be a fraid to ask PLEASE for your own sake


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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