Prinxiety ( the thought )

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Hey I'm working on a Patton x reader atm for this book so that's coming soon ok le go (swear warning And selfharm warning)

~Virgil's Pov~
I'm 'having a day' as the others like to call it they say that because I get even more angsty because of what part of Thomas' personality I am, the weird thing is that it doesn't affect Thomas only me, but the others do get this as well it just isn't as bad as me at one point of the day they all have to be round me because of 'past experiences'

This day was bad and I MEAN bad Thomas had 3 anxiety attacks but it wasn't my fault and they all think it was me and I was so stressed that I stormed off went into my room to be alone hoping things would get better they didn't..
( A/N Virgil has voices in his head that make him think bad things and make him think bad about himself and that stuff the next bit might trigger people so beware of selfharm in this bit)
I got sick if the voice's and gave up in other words I listened to them I 'dropped' a glass and said something that I would normally say like shit or somthing like that so they don't know what i'm doing...
It doesn't hurt anyway...
I'm numb...
The stinging sensation is great...
I love it...
I made about 9 cuts until someone came in shit... I pull my sleeve over the cuts and wash away the blood from the sink I look out of the bathroom and It was Roman... Damn it, I'm not getting caught again by him so I start looking like I'm picking up the glass I pick up a lot quickly and  start picking up the small pieces he comes in then

"Arms" he says sternly

" What?" I asked knowing exactly what he ment

" You know don't act stupid" that's the first time he's EVER called my stupid

"No this time I actually don't" I said going back to the glass in the floor he pulls up my sleeve it was the wrong one

"See no cuts" I said showing him my right arm right as I thought he would just leave he caught me off guard and... pulled up my left sleeve... I'm  fucked now...

"I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" he yells at me

"I KNEW THIS WOULD FUCKING HAPPEN I SWEAR TO GOD" I've never in my whole year if knowing Roman has he ever swore

"Since when do you swear?" I mumble


He pinned me to the wall ok this is not good I could see his physical anger and sweat as he looked in my eyes I thought welp shit I'm gonna get slapped into another dimension but... woah hold on is he... kissing me? I'm so confused but I kinda liked it

~Romans Pov~

"I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN" I screamed into nothingness "I KNEW THIS WOULD FUCKING HAPPEN I SWEAR TO GOD!" that's probably the first time I've swore since like 4 years ago Virgil looked so surprised

"Since when do you swear?" He mumbled but loud enough for me to hear

"SINCE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I scream as I pinned him to the wall I could see the scared look on Virgil's face but I wasn't looking a fight by I have no idea why I did this but... I... kissed him? I'm actually confused at myself though I kind of liked it he melted into the kiss and he pulled away

"Why?" He asked genuinely confused

"Because why not" I said sarcastically

" And now your being sarcastic jesus Christ is it a miracle" he giggled softly and I joined him

"So what now?" I asked

"Continue?" He said hesitantly

"Hells yeah" I excitedly said

And the rest of the night was spent cuddling and watching Disney movies  (because why not) 

Another chapter yay I don't ha e much time it literally anything to say but people are actually reading my book omfg thank you but I'm on a time limit so I gotta go

◇See ya◇


●Words = 700●

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