Salutations (Logan x Reader)

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Hey I haven't played this out so imma just wing it le go (female pronouns sorry again you can change them)
( suicide trigger warning)

H/c = hair colour
E/c = eye colour

~ Your pov ~
To be honest I don't think anyone cares about me, it would be better if I just vanished my parents hate me, my school hates me and so does everyone's else I know so there no point to me... I was going to somewhere that I know no one would be but just as I walk in I see someone looking down at there feet they looked like they had something on their mind ... I know what I'm  thinking of doing

~Logan's Pov~
I'm at the building that I go to when i have something on my mind or just to think or its just too loud in the house to concentrate I was thinking about everything really today my mind when from one subject to another as my mind was flicking through my memories I hear footsteps I'm guessing I'm not the only one wjo comes here to do what ever or think like I do I didn't look up at them because I didn't want to disturb them and all of a sudden they step back and me hanging my legs over the edge so I looked up at her, she took another step back and she ran for the edge... But I couldn't let her die like that I couldn't do that to anyone... No matter what they've done or who they are I just couldn't.

I grabbed her wrist and held on to her, she looked up at me realising what happened and she looked sad and disappointed in herself instead of letting her hang there like an idiot I pulled her up onto where I was sitting

There was a silence between us I think she's just processing what had just happened, I took the time to get a good look at her. Her hair was h/c and flowed quite nicely in the wind due to its length, her eyes looked e/c I could sit and stare at them for hours at a time

She started staring at me and then I looked around a bit trying to look for something she turns around and there nothing there so she turns back round to face me

"T-thank you" she barely chokes out "But w-why"

" You welcome and because I couldn't let you die like that" I say trying to convince not to do it again taking her away from the edge

"T-thank you so m-much" she tackles me and sobs into my shoulder

"Your welcome" I rub soothing circles into to her back

~Your Pov~
I tried to do something I shouldn't have but the other person in the building saved me I started crying into his shoulder repeatedly saying thank you but it was inaudible I eventually stopped crying and told him everything about my dad kicking me out and how my mum died a couple months after I was born and how my dad blames me for it and a lot of other things to do with that

"Sorry you had to see me in this state" I say wiping the tears from my face

"Oh no it's  ok for you to cry it's a normal human reaction." I stated

" And thank you again we got off to a bit of a bad start but hi any ways my name's y/n"

"your welcome again and salutations I'm Logan

Hey guys I did a thing again I think it's good I gotta sleep

See ya●


•Words = 615•

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