When Roman is bored at 3am (A little prinxiety)

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Hey guys sorry for not updating lately this whole chapter got erased and I was so mad, but anyways I realized I hadn't done anything on our fabulous prince so I decided hey why not? So here you go!

~Romans' Pov~
'I have been staring at this celing for hours! I hate that I can't sleep, I as Prince Roman need my beauty sleep! What time is it anyways?' Roman asked himself as he reached over to his desk to grab his phone, as soon as he turned his phone on he regreted it greatly

'Ahh! That is way too bright!' He shielded his eyes before eventually turning the brightness down to look at the time. Then realizing he couldn't see because of the black dots bluring most of his vision,

When he could actually see his screen, he look towards the clock on his phone it read '03:42am wait... 03:42am!? I went to bed ages ago! Ugh what am I going to do now?!' At this point Roman flopped onto his bed feeling quite defeated, Sadly he still wasn't tired

'I wonder if everyone is up? Probably not but... Worth a shot I guess?' Roman lifted his phone from his stomach, where it had landed after he had fallen back onto his comfy bed

After putting his password into his phone he tapped on his contacts, 'Who's first? I might as well try Logan first, he's never awake at this time'

The Sides Texting Eachother

Me: Hey Logan are you still up? I'm bored

Logan: Sadly yes, I suspect Thomas is watching conspiracy theory's again...

Me: Oh that was kinda unexpected

Logan: *Kind of
Logan: Also what as unexpected? Is it that my sleep pattern is getting tampered with?

Me: Something along those lines

Logan: If you don't mind, I'm going back to my crossword

Me: Ok see ya later then

Logan: *you
Logan: And Goodbye

'Well Everyone is up then, I suppose I'll talk to Patton now' Roman thought to himself as he started to text Patton

Me: Heyyy, you still up?

Patton: Yup! I was just watching cute dog compilations too!

Me: Ooh, I bet some where in Disney costumes!

Patton: Yessss, I'll go do that right now! Byeeee!!

Me: Byeee!

Roman laughs to himself as he sends his last text to Patton, he looks at Virgil's contact, 'should I? I don't really have much else to be doing so why not I suppose'

Me: Hey

Virgil: Hey

'That was quite quick, was he expecting my text? Did he know I would text him?'

Me: that was quick

Virgil: We sent our messages at the same time

Me: Oh, well that makes sense

Sander Sides One Shots Also X Reader Stuff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now