Hey Guys (A/n)

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So um hello, Marie here to give you some bad news sadly.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I think it will be best for me, so I'm sorry if your all disappointed in me.

You were probably expecting another part to "Let's See About That~" But no, I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting then telling you this.

I'm going on a hiatus for a little bit, I'd rather not go into details why I just need too. A friend of mine had said to me not to write for a while because my mental health is more important.

It will only be a short hiatus, so don't worry about me doing a Cory and leaving for 4 months, that's not what I plan to do.

The imagine was actually hers too and I still feel bad but she is right.

I didn't want to leave you guys in the dark about this whole thing and wonder where I am and why the imagine isn't up yet.

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but I want to give you my very best not a quickly put together let down. I really hope you understand.

(Also yes that is Seven if your wondering ^^)


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