Lets See About That~ (SMUTT Part 2)

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Hey there! So uh this is a smutt once again but I might post something after this part for the ones that don't want to read smutty shit... unlike me 😂, anyways let's continue where we left off😉


(Your Pov)
(In your room)

A couple hours later I'm trying to level up my LOL character, but I just cant take my mind off what's been happening to me today, I start thinking to myself 'Who hasn't had their 'turn' yet? Oh yeah Logan and Virgil' I can't help but sigh, I just need to get this over and done with.

Soon after I'm rudely snapped out of my thoughts by the creak of the door opening and I know I'm in for it but I still try to ignore him, being fairly honest I have no idea who just came because my computer is facing the wall not the door.

I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid, of course I had no idea this would happen but still I regretted my decisions like A LOT.

I hear a slight hum behind me, and a voice to accompany it.

"Do you regret the challenge yet?~" Logan has come to torture me, god what is he going to do to me?

I turn around on my computer chair to face him, he leans against my door frame with a sort of sadistic look on his face.

"No~, I don't and I'm guessing you don't either?" I sound confident in what I'm saying but that's not the case at all.

"Not in the slightest~" He pushes off my door frame making his way towards me slowly, he stops right in front of my chair and leans down.

He put his hand in my face slowly tracing my jawline with his fingers, making my head flick a little as he takes his hand off my jaw.

Without any notice or warning he pulls me up from my chair, leading me towards my bed. He doesn't hesitate once as he lays me onto my bed, pinning me as quick as he possiblity can.

"Now, just lie here like a good girl~" his low and husky voice makes me shiver, Logan is the last person I would expect to be like this.

I just nod as my confident persona disappearing faster than my dignity, he starts to basically give me a lap dance, grinding on me as I lay there trying to keep my posture.

"You can moan, no one's watching~" he leans down and whispers in my ear "No one but me~" at this second I can't stop myself from breaking at this point.

"L-logan" I cover my mouth with my hand purely out of embarrassment.

He takes my hand from my mouth and the one that's currently death dripping the sheet and pin them both above my head,

He shakes his head "I want to hear you~" he glares at me his eyes refusing to break eye contact, I blush hard moaning quietly.

His hands are gripping so hard on mine that I'm starting to get pins and needles in them, 'that's definitely leaving a mark, don't I already have enough?' I think to myself,

He continues to do his dance, I continue to moan quietly untill he stops, I whine at him is his turn over already?

And the question I was waiting for finally pops up.

"Give up yet?~"

"N-nice try b-but no" As determined as I sound I still stutter over my words as he gets off of me.

Sander Sides One Shots Also X Reader Stuff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now