Self-depreciation (Prinxiety)

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Hey guys sorry for the slow updates things are happening so yea slow really really slow updates
(Kinda touchy subject you have been warned)
(Swear Warning)

~Romans Pov~

I can't help but notice that Virgil's been acting strangly these past couple of days, he just seems off and today didn't help because Thomas had a hard day and we're all really tired, but right now we're just sitting in the commons room in mostly silence Patton and logan are talking -very quietly- and well... Virge... he's just staring into the abyss.

"Hey Virge?" I asked trying to start a conversation,

He doesn't even divert his stare it's like he's in a trance, I wave my hand in front of his face still nothing. I grab his shoulders and shake him as I do he come out of his trance and pushes me of him

"What the hell Roman!" He shouts, I jump back slightly obviously startled

"Sorry Virge, I tried waving my hand in front of your face and you didn't answer so I um shook you... Sorry again..." I mumbled the last bit

"Why would you want to get my attention when you could have just talked too Logan... And Patton?" We both glace around their not here anymore? But why?

"Where did they go?" We both asked eachother in unison

"Well to answer first I have no actual clue where they are." I spoke "I was to busy trying to get you out of your trance"

"Welp, that's just great..." he say sarcastically

I just laugh

~Virgil's Pov~

"Welp, that's just great..." I say sarcastically

Princey laughs at me

"What are you laughing about prince-not-so-charming?" He puts his hand to his chest pretending to be offended

"I find that highly offensive!" He jokes

"Ssuurrreeee" I do the 'ok' sign

"So anyways what did you wanna talk to me about, now that I'm actually curious" I say just to put him on the stop

"Well I noticed that you seemed off and I just wanted to ask if you where Ok" he answers honestly

Oh for fuck sake I'm not explaining that I'll just say I'm staying up even later than I usually do... sure yeah that'll work...

"Oh I've been staying up even later that I usually do lately... but why do you actually care? who are you and what have you done to Princey?" I make up an excuse and try to lighten the mood and the same time

"Ok... And I've just gotten better mentality lately" he actually seems concerned, oh good mother of god

"Hey Virge, wanna have a movie night tonight cause we have the big tv to ourselves?" He asked excitedly

"Yeah sure why not but... I would rather be in your room for no reason..."

"Alright then to my room!" He shouts obnoxiously

The only reason I said that to because Patton and Logan could be anywhere and we wouldn't notice, and for another reason too... I've... Well I've had a crush in him for a little while now, honestly I doubt that He'd like me back but it's worth a shot right? You never know I shrug to myself. Ugh I'm starting to act like Patton

We reach his room, the door is decorated with paintings of tiny golden stars on a white canvas, with a red door knob to finish off the Prince-like look. He twists the door knob and walks in then holds the door open gesturing for me to enter the home of Disney and I did, low and behold the first thing I notice is Disney poster's all over the place but It's not messy, but not exactly clean also I start to notice the colour scheme and... It's not as bright as I thought It would be... It's unsettling. (not that it's not bright it's just darker than expected)

While Princey set up the tv I was looking around his room when something caught my eye, notes on his mirror you would probably think,

'Oh yeah It would be really positive'
'work to be better'
or like
'helping is my specialty'

, you'd be surprised to see the things written there. they weren't one bit positive they were completely negative like, something I would say bit much worse one read 'Try harder you worthless piece of s**t' and another one read 'if you were different maybe people would actually like you' this broke my heart into a million shards, I wish he knew how much I care about him I made sure he wasn't looking and wrote something and stuck it where something negative was written, I decided to do that to a lot of them leaving only a few that weren't too bad I turned back around to see Princey staring at me, like he had just realized what I had seen

"Oh, u-um that's not what it looks like..." he tries to explain he's hiding something from me

"Really so something like 'work harder you piece of s**t isn't what it looks like?" I ask with sarcasm in my voice

He didn't answer me

"No but are you actually ok cause these are NOT just normal things to get confidence or creativity up believe me I know" he didn't answer again

I walk up to him

"PRINCEY!" He looks up with a tear stained face

~Romans Pov~

"PRINCEY!" He yells I look up with my tear stained face

I don't normally swear but shit, shit, shit he knows all the things I write on that mirror that's really not good he's gong to hate me... I thought to myself panicking a lot

To my surprise something happened that I thought in a million years would EVER happen. He hugged me I stood there shocked at his actions

I hugged him back he pulled away

"Roman why?" He asked

"Why What?" I replied know well what he was talking about

"You know what I mean. The notes their so... self depreciating... and yea before you ask I was looking around your room expecting Disney everywere" he paused sighed then continued "I mean there is but, that? I'm starting to worry now"

... wait did he just say he ... worries about me? Holy shit

"Why... why should you worry about me?" I said diverting my gaze back to the floor, untill I have my head lifted up by a hand

"Because I um..." He looks at me for an answer

And I know what that answer is... we stare at each other for what seems like hours but is actually minutes

I swear we weren't this close just a minute ago...

~Virgil's Pov~

I can't stand this presure I.. smash my lips into his, and he kisses me back I can't believe it, we eventually have to break apart for air

"that was sudden"

"I- sorry..."

"No its ok"

There was a silence between them, it wasn't awkward it was actually very comforting

"wanna actually watch movie now?" Roman broke the silence

"What? Oh um, yeah sorry I spaced out"

We as watched the movie we cuddled up each other, To be honest I didn't think I'd ever be in this situation with the most exaggerative person on the planet. Well I can't say I don't like it cause I do. Its nice but surprising, it comes to show that even the most depressing person and the most annoying can actually go together pretty well together, 'Opposites attract' as they say

Anndddd thats it, it took me forever to write and edit so I hope you injoyed my ansty Prinxiety one shot! I better be going I'll see ya around!

●See Ya●



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