A/N (swear warning)

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Hey guy just another quick a update

I've was currently writing a part for this book but something happened

So as I was writing this part and I get a call from my best friend (no names being mentioned and I won't say in the comments either for privacy and shit) I was like oh they're probably wanting me to come out today so I pick up and I'm like hey and they just burst into a splutter of words and I don't hear them right so I say "I didn't hear it all say it again" and they respond with "my mom just grounded me and told me that I'm never aloud near you (and couple more people and again no names mentions still won't say in the comments) ever again"

I was in complete shock I didn't know what to think of say and they were just waiting for something and after a long silence I say (at this point I was alone in my house so yea) "Are you fucking serious" and they're like yea and I just slowly start to lose my shit the more they talk about it the more I wanna kill somebody in the middle of them talking I was like "your mum can't take your best friend away that not fucking fair if your not allowed to see your friends she her fucking friends" and they said "I told her that as long as I'm not allowed to see you and (the other people) she's not allowed to go see her friends"

You know what the most ducking mind boggling thing was I didn't even fucking do anything I don't know why she has such a problem with me she's always had this what should I call it... I'm gunna call it a 'grudge' and this 'grudge' she has against me makes no fucking sense and you know what my best friend was putting things back were their supposed to do and they got shouted at for 'not cleaning up their mess' I swear if I think about her my blood boils

But that's not right to take someone's best friends away for coming in late after going to carrick they got grounded for another reason but I'm not saying actually a third reason that they came in late is because they where wearing makeup and had to take it off before they went in and their eyes were red from crying jot saying why it's personal but their mum immediately was like they've been drinking like holy shit are you that thick that you can tell for their TEAR STAINED FACE I-ugh I know yea their mum is 'worried' (not really) about them but really their mum grounds then fro the littlest things


OK Marie calm down... *sighs deeply* OK but seriously tho she need to wise up a bit anyways sorry for that rant I was so god damn mad and now I don't even wanna do anything it fe-you know what it doesn't feel like anything at all... Nothing like something had been ripped from your heart and now it's shattered

This is how I 'feel' now

and I don't care if you know who their mum is because in standing my fucking ground and nothing is going to stop me from having an opinion you may hate me but I hate you more

If you don't you just listened to me rant about something in my life for the like eightieth time

Sorry for the big rant I just 'felt' like it was needed anyways this story has over 800 reads now like holy mother of all fucking God that is amazing thank you guys so much you guys matter don't forget that and it'll probably take me awhile to recover (if I ever do) for this so I won't have anything up for awhile thank you guys so much for all the roads and vote love you all and goodnight well morning actually cause it's 1:50am

●See ya●


¤Its an A/N no one cares a bout this r¤

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