A really cheesy story (Virgil x Reader)

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Hey guys so I'm back I haven't updated in like 4 billion years so imma just make something up off the top of my head (swear warning)
There's going to be a note at the bottom of this btw

~Virgil's Pov~

I don't know how I've been sitting here minutes maybe hours I can't tell, right now I feel like the biggest pile of shit the world has ever seen, I don't know why but it's just kinda came over me ya know? Well I still haven't came out of my room for God knows how long, I haven't checked the time because who actually cares about how much time we have left until my inevitable death, I mean like anyone who cares where I've be-

Knock knock

So someone actually acknowledges my existence, huh never thought that would happen

"Hey Virgil, it's Y/n can u come in?" she asks hestitantly

"yeah sure, just um close the door as soon as you get in" I answer carefully if I swear Patton will murder me this time

They comes in a does exactly what I told her to do, thank God they actually listen to anything I'm saying and not just completely ignore it (and yes that does get annoying after a while)

I feel like their the only one I trust in this damn household, I'm not kidding you

"So what's up" I blurt out randomly

"Other than the ceiling, what so you mean by that" they joke, I chuckle slightly that was actually pretty ironic and funny

"You acknowledge my existence so I'm guessing something's up" I say lazily "don't you dare say the ceiling again or I swear I'll tickle you" they hate being tickled, I do it just to annoy them

"Alright,  alright, yea something's up" they admit finally

"So what is it?" I say get up from the floor lazily moving to sit on my bed to talk to  Y/n, I pat the spot beside me for them to sit down next to me, they do just that

"Well your the only one I can trust so I really need to tell you a secret" they finally confess

"And that secret is?" they look hesitant, I now regret ever saying that

"If your not comfortable telling me it right now we can talk about it later if you want" I reassure them, they look a lot more at ease

"Nah I really wanna get this off my chest" they say with this determination that says this'll probably not end well but fuck it anyways, I let her continue

"I um, might like someone" they confess

"you mean love like someone" I ask

They nod, God damn it...

"Ok so why come to me then" confusion comes over me in waves

"Cause your the only in that wouldn't be like 'omggg' or anything you would actually listen to me" they do have a point

"Fair point" I admit

There a silence between us

"How would you ask someone out" she breaks the silence

"I would probably just say how I feel if it got to that situation"

~Your Pov~

"how would you ask someone out" I wanna know how he would ask someone out so I know how to ask him out ya know

Right so I've had this huge crush in him for a bit, honestly I didn't really like him for a while but when I started to talk to him we really got along, and he's just grew on me ever since,  he listens to me, he's kind, he's funny, he just a really nice guy

"I would probably just say how I feel if it got to that situation" he answers genuinely

I need to tell him like now cause its killing me

"W-what if I told you t-hat the person I l-ike is y-you" I studder

"You like... Wait w-what" He looks surprised

I fucked it up, I fucked up a really nice friendship he's gonna hate me forever I tear cascades down my cheek he wipes my tear away with his thumb

"What if I told you I like you back?" he says lifting my face up to his

"I would cry happy tears" I start to cry I'm so happy he like me back this is amazing

I love him so much that I'm crying wow this is embarrassing but I don't care at this moment in time, I just don't care I'm so happy

Hey again so the requests are coming soon I'm just trying to think of ways to word the plots, if that makes any sense to you well I hope it does, its literally 23:26pm so I'm going to sleep I'll see you whenever

●See Ya●



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