
994 17 14

Author: normal
Anxiety: bold
Lo: underlined
Princess/imagination: Italics
Contentment/happiness: Italics and underlined
All: bold, italics and undelined

Holy fuc-

Marie what did I say about swearing

Sorry Paige I can't help it can you believe I have over 1k reads!!

Oh my goodness thank you guys so much!!!

Paige you know that you only need to use one exclamation mark

I know but in just so happy!!!

Ok I'll not correct you for now but this is only a one time thing

Thanks guy...

Hey Princess


Hey Marie you to Paige

*sits in the corner*

Winter you can come over

*lifts head* *sighs* *walks over*

Greetings Winter

No need to be so formal lo

It's just how I greet people,  am I not going it right?

No, no your going it right it's ju- doesn't matter nevermind greet people the way you want lo

Hi Winter

Hey Paige

*looks at ground* *sighs*

Something in your mind Princess?

N-no, not really...

We can talk about it later if you want

Yeah l-later

No sure what that's about but anyways thank you guys sooooo much for over 1k I'll update soon but not now cause I need to make myself tired I explained it in my 8-BitRyan fanfic (go read it if ya wanna) anyways gotta go byeee

See Ya●


¤Words don't matter right now¤

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