Happy New year guys!

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Hey guys this isn't really a chapter but  just want to thank you guys/girls/non-binary people for reading this and me writing really helps me through things that I don't want to say about but I wanted to make sides for myself (just though of it if you guys don't like it I'll stop using them) so I want you to meet them

Well to start my contentment or happiness (as i like to call her cayse its easier) she's the childish side of me and she's at the core of my feeling and know when I'm sad and when I'm happy sadly I don't know her proper name

Then there's my logic or my thoughts well take put most of the emotion and that my logical side I like to call her Lo because her actual name is Louise

Also my creative side or my imagination she know all of my thoughts, dreams and fantasies she's amazing then I need motivation when she gives me motivation she sometimes sings it's magical but sadly I don't know her name either but I call her princess because she acts like one and dresses like honestly she's quite shy at times but when you get to know her she's not shy at all

And last but not least my anxiety she protects me from danger and is also the reason I take so long writing these cause I quickly scan over them to see if I could change the wording in anyway it improve it she's the thing that keeps me worring about you guys and not updating that much she's just as good as the others and also she hold all of my emo passions (I'm not very creative so bear with me) I call her Anx because it sound good enough to me

Author: normal
Anxiety: bold
Lo: underlined
Princess/imagination: Italics
Contentment/happiness: Italics and underlined
All: bold, italics and undelined

Well girls I want you all to say hi

Hiiiiii everybody!

Hello people


...Hey ...

So there you go guys these are my sides

Marie can I say something to then before you go?

Ok happy go for it

I hope you guys/girls/non-binary people are doing amazing also I hope you have a really nice new year! 🐱

Nicely said Paige- it I mean happy

Your name's Paige!?!?

Yea but I wanted to say it another time...

Sorry Paige...

It's ok as long as she knows now that's all I care about honestly well that not all I care about I care about you guys too you know that

Yes. Yes we do

I know...

I care about you too

I care about you guys so much and your probably don't believe me but I do you girls where the only ones that where there for me when I needed it the most so thank you so much

Your welcome anxiety

It's Winter

Yes that is the season

No that's my um..

It's your what?

My... My... um... IT'S MY NAME

Your name's Winter

Yea... I know it's stupid...

That name's not stupid I think it's beautiful

*blushes* thanks... I guess

I'm not one for feelings but it is quite nice

Aawwww you name's awesomeeeeeee!

I got the memo now let's leave that here have a great year everyone better one than I'll have anyway

I will physically fight you!!

No Paige just no that doesn't help

No one talks about my child like that!

(A/n See what I did there?)

Ok well that's it hope you girls had a good time


Ok guys/girls/non-binary people have an amazing 2018 I'll try to aswell

●see ya●


¤words = 620¤

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