Lets see about that~ (SMUTT Part 1)

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Ok, ok so I know it's been 200000 million years since the last proper update, but someone has given me a really good but really smutty request, to be exact this now good friend of mine

Thank you so much for the suggestion and here we go! Sorry for taking 3 years with it but this part is your birthday present from me😄

~Your Pov~

*Click Click*

"Ok, to the comment section..." You mumble to yourself,

You start to scroll to see a bunch of comments on stuff about the video, how shook people are, haters, the usual stuff. Then you find yourself in the 'daddy' part of the comments section

"Daddy? They must really love me" Roman exclaimed

I roll my eyes at the sight of the comments, I mean Jesus how many of these comments are there?!

"Jesus, how horny are these people?" I question myself out loud by accident

Out of the corner of my eye I see Logan raise his eyebrow, In a confident manner

"And you aren't?" He speaks softly as if it were a everyday question,

"Um, no why would I be?" I reply quicker than I planned to,

Logan keeps his eyebrow raised at me as I keep scrolling through these masses of 'Daddy' comments,

"Besides, It's pretty hard to turn me on" I mumble quietly to myself, apparently not quiet a enough,

"Oh? It is huh?" Virgil whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine

"Y-yes it is, and don't do that!" I move away slightly

"Why? Is it annoying you~" He replies playfully

"Stop it Virgil!" I raise my voice, all he does in response is smirk at the other sides, they all seem to understand what he meant except you

"What are you all planning?" I ask slightly terrified but curious about what will happen,

"How about we make this a challenge?" Virgil explains looking at you

"What do you mean by this challenge?" I knew exactly what he meant

"We all try to make you give in, each of us can do it in our own way and in our own time" He explain in further detail "How about it?"

'They really think they can make me give in? Ha I doubt it' You think to yourself

"Ok then, a challenge it may be, may the thirstiest bitch win!" I announce aloud

All the sides leave the room,

"See you later Y/n~" Patton shouts back winking at you

'Good luck sides, you'll need it.' you laugh to yourself

{Time skip}

Your watching She-Ra on Netflix as you hear the door open, you then to look towards the door 'Patton first huh? Bring it on'

"Oh hey Patton" You turn back to the tv,

"Hey Y/n" He sits beside you "what're you watching?"

'He didn't say kiddo, I'm in trouble' you thought as you replied

"She-Ra, it's a really good show you should watch it sometime"

We continue to watch... Well I do I can feel Patton staring at me

"Aren't you going to watch it" I ask eyes still not removed from the tv

Sander Sides One Shots Also X Reader Stuff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now