Chapter 2-"Moving to Los Santos"

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Vanoss POV:]

I woke up and saw my kitten sleeping on me and I smiled.I slowly got out of bed but my phone started ringing.I got up and picked up the phone. "What?!" "Hey Evan.Can you meet me and the guys in Los Santos as soon as you can." "Sure why?" "I'll tell you when you get here.Also can you call Delirious?He doesn't pick up my calls." "Alright I will.I'll see you there." I hanged up and got dress.I started packing my things and I went downstairs and made breakfast for both of us.I heard foot steps coming downstairs for their food.I saw Delirious wearing my shirt which was big on him.He yawned and walked up to me and gave me a kiss. "Morning Evan." "Morning Jon.How did you sleep?" "Great." He was looking around when I place his plate down.He looked at me and he was having tears in his eyes. "A-Are you leaving me?D-Did I do something wrong." He started crying and Hugged him and pet him which I hear him purr on me. "Of course not!I love you with all of my heart.I would never leave you.Its just that I got a call from Wild Cat and he needs us right now." "Really?For what?" "Pack Your things Jonathan.We are going to Los Santos!" He gasp and hugged me tighter. "Really!Its been a while since we been there!" "But first!We have to eat before we go." I said and started to eat.This was going to be hard acting like Delirious is my friend.We been together for almost 3 years.At some point I need to pop out the question.After we finish eating.I helped Delirious pack and we head off to the Airport and got our tickets.We sat down to go to Los Santos.I noticed Delirious seems nervous. "Hey Vanoss?" I looked at him and he grab my hand. "What if the guys know about us?Do we have to tell them?" "We don't need to.We just need to act like friends to each other and plus we known them for almost 10 years silly." "True.Its just that, I never met the guys in person other than Luke and Mini." Delirious said and he was right.I only know Nogla,Lui,Mini,and Cartoonz.

This was going to be hard.We heard our flight called.I picked up our bags while Jonathan grabs his bags as well.Once we got in our seats.I grab Delirious's hands and I smiled at him.He smiled back and lay his head on my arm.He was trying to snuggle into me but that didn't work.When the plane took off and I heard purring.I look at Jonathan and he was asleep on my arm.I just look out the window thinking about what will the guys think of us?How will they react to us?Will they hate us?I am not even sure if they will accept me or Delirious as who we are.Why am I thinking about this?There are our friends.They should understand that me and Delirious are really animals deep down inside and we love each other for that.I put on my headphones and decided to hear music until we get to Los Santos.

<At Los Santos>

Delirious POV:]

I woke up and saw Evan asleep. "Ladies and gentleman.We are now landing to Los Santos." I started to jump like a little kid and shake Evan to wake up. "Wolfie!Wake up!We are here!" I heard him groaned and he didn't want to wake up. "5 more minutes Del." "No time!We are landing!" "Uuu!!!Fine!" He woke up and yawned like a puppy which was so cute!Once they told everyone that they were free to go.Evan and I grab our bags and walked out.Evan got a phone call from Wild Cat which we were looking around.I had my honkey mask on.Evan was talking on the phone and I saw Cartoonz.I smiled and I tugged Evan. "Evan.Evan!I found Cartoonz!" He got off the phone and smiled. "Where?" "Just follow me!" I said as I picked up our bags and Evan help me of course.We walked up to Luke and he was with a lot of people.I saw Mini,Nogla,Lui,and Cartoonz.Vanoss and I only know them but Lui and Nogla doesn't know my face at all. "Hey Evan!Delirious!How are you guys?" "We been good.I ran into Delirious in the airport." Vanoss lied and they all smiled. "Well let's go to my house.Marcel,Ohm,Scotty,Bryce, Dracula,Gorilla,Jiggly,and Wild Cat are at my house." Mini said and we picked up our bags and got into like 2 cars.I was glad that me and Vanoss could stay together so we have each other backs.I'm just happy to be back where we used to fight crime.Canada was okay along with North Carolina.I'm glad that the whole crew are back together.I lay on Evans arm and he smiled at me.I yawned and fell asleep.Evan's so warm...I want to be with him until the end of time.

After 30 or an hour drive.I felt Evan shaking me and I saw his brown eyes. "We are here sleepy head." "Oh!How long was I asleep?" "An hour.Your so cute when your asleep." I started blushing and I got out of the car because the guys were waiting. "Can you guys stop flirting with each other and get your fucking bags." "Hah.We weren't flirting.You just want us to be together." "Sure....Say whatever you want.But your still fucking cute when your together." Nogla joked around and I grab my bags.Mini walked in when there was yelling and laughter. "Dracula!You son of bitch!" "Dracula stop bullying Gorilla!" "Never!" There was laughing until Mini coughed.Everyone stopped and I started laughing. "Do I hear H20 Delirious laughing!" I heard Dracula and I waved.Vanoss was near by me so I felt more safe than before. "Okay so lucky for me.That I have enough rooms for everyone but only 2 people in 1 bed room okay." Everyone gasp and I look at Vanoss.There might be a chance I won't sleep with Evan. "So let's get our rooms.Marcel,Scotty share a room.Dracula with Gorilla.Lui and Nogla share a room." Mini kept saying names and I heard my name. "Delirious with...." I was getting nervous.I wanted to be with my alpha. "With Evan." I was happy and I saw Vanoss smiled.I wanted to hug him and Mini seems confuse. "Okay.Someones excited.Anyway go get your bags up there so you guys can have fun." Mini said and I gave mini a laugh.I went upstairs and went to our room.Evan picked me up and close the door.We started kissing and he was happy too.He went to my neck and started licking it.I started to moan alittle and he smirked. "Evan not here.We are guest." "I know.I'm just happy we get to share the same room together." He said and he laughed. "W-what are you laughing about?" "I'm laughing about how cute when your purr every time.Your just purring right now." "E-EVAN!YOU SON OF BITCH!" I yelled and he laughed more.He got off of me and went to his bag and clear it out.I did the same thing but I felt him give me a kiss on the cheek.After we got our things straight.Vanoss gave me a final kiss before we went with the guys.Hopefully Wild Cat will tell us whats up.

Wild Cat POV:]

We were all waiting for Vanoss and Delirious to come downstairs. "Whats taking them so lin-" "E-EVAN!YOU SON OF BITCH!" Delirious yelled and everyone started laughing.I saw Nogla and Lui fan girling for some reason. "Whats up with you two?" "Oh...Nothing.Maybe Vanoss is kissing Delirious and they must be together or something." "No way.Vanoss and Delirious would never do that.Plus Vanoss and Delirious are not even gay." "What if they were." "Pfff....That would be something to laugh about.If they were gay.Oh please!They act like they are together but they are dog and cat friends." I said and Nogla and Lui seems to be mad about it.But what got me think was,'Maybe Vanoss and Delirious are dating but just acting like friends when we are around.' I saw Delirious and Vanoss talking and they do seem like a cute couple.Plus Evans a dog and Delirious is a cat.They act like animals. "So Wild Cat.Why did you want us at Los Santos for?Fun?" "No.Its something else but...We need BatOwl and the crew." I said looking at Evan and he seems to get the idea.I think he knows what I'm thinking.Thats what I like about him.He gets it quickly.


I dunno if Wild Cat like Evan or something.He better not cause Evan is with Delirious and I thimk Evan is thinking about marrying him.Who knows.Let's find out in the next chapter....

Let's find out in the next chapter

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P.S.My sickness got worst.Hopefully you guys have the best day now cause today is my big sister birthday so yay!

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