Chapter 14-"Betrayal"

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<The Next Night>

Ohm POV:]

We're in our stations as we plan. Delirious seemed a bit off for some reason. I decided to talk to him as Bryce helped out Mini with Evan's plans. "Hey. Are you okay?" "I'm okay... I guess... Just mood swings. Thats all." Delirious said and he seems worried about something. "Are you sure it's not just mood swings?" His ear twich and went down. "You know something huh?" "I-I-" He sigh and sat on the couch. "Its weird staying here and not helping my fiance or Moo or Lui... You know, Also I don't trust Jacob. He could be leading the team into a trap." Delirious explain. "Ohm... Have you seen Dracula or Gorilla anywhere?" "No Bryce but-" We heard yelling and it was coming from Delirious. He was covering his ears for no reason. "Delirous-" "MAKE IT STOP! IT HURTS!EVAN!!!" Delirious kept yelling and I heard nothing at all. Mini kept looking at the computer. "Guys we have company!" Cartoonz ran downstairs and gave us weapons. They were banging on the door. "Bryce get Delirious out of here! Mini! Warn the others!" "On it! BatOwl.... BatOwl can you hear me? You need to get out of there! Its a trap-" They kicked the door down as Cartoonz and I hold them off. "What? BatOwl Delirious is with us! He's here with us! Oh no... You guys need to get out of there! The bank was a distraction! They are coming for Delirious! Ohm! I need help over here!" Mini yelled as I tackled the guy but we were out numbered. "Mini! Get with Delirious and Bryce! Now!" He nodded and grab his bag and laptop then ran off with a weapon in his arms. Cartoonz and I kept fighting. Hopefully the guys come soon.

Vanoss POV:]

I banged on the door trying to get out! "MOTHERFUCKER! IF THEY HURT MY FAMILY I-" I started growling deeply. If they hurt them I will make sure they won't live. "Evan calm down!" I sniffed the air and ear started twitching. I covered my ears. "GOD DAMNIT! THE NOISE! MAKE IT STOP!" "Naughty Owl... What a shame that dogs and cats could hear it but I wasn't expecting an Owl to hear it." Jacob laughed. I growled and went up to him! "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! IF YOUR FRIEND GETS HIS HANDS ON MY FIANCE THEN I'LL ENJOY RIPPING YOU APART LIM BY LIM AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU DONE!" "Evan!" Moo yelled and I pushed Jacob. My ears keep twitching and I followed the noise. "What are you doing now?" I changed into a bird and flew up to the window and turn back into human. "Oh so your an Owl too huh?" My tail kept me from falling along with my left leg. I try to kick the noticed that the window wasn't covered right. "Moo! Get your ass up here and give me a boost. I'm gonna do a glide kicks to get us out of here." "On it!" Moo turned into an egal and I saw him flying so I let go then he made a u-turn to threw me as I kicked the window opened. "Lui! The rope!" "On it!" He threw me the rope and I tied it up. "Wild Cat knock him out!" I heard someone past out and I laughed. We all out as I started heading towards Mini's house. I heard my love calling! I started running faster as I saw Bryce, Delirious, and Mini trying to get out. I got there and tackled the guy. I started growling deep hugging Delirious. "YOU FUCKERS BETTER GET YOUR ASSES AWAY FROM MY MATE OR ELSE YOU ALL WILL LOOSE A PIECE OF YOUR BODY!" I barked as I sense their fear rising slowly. "Your bluffy! Come at me then Owl boy." I went up to him and slide kicked him as I pinned him fown crushing his bones. I enjoying hearing them scream. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! ARE YOU INSANE?!" "DO YOU THINK I WAS JOKING AROUND YOU IDIOT!" I let him go and they all started running. "YOU BETTER STAY AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK!" I kept barking and I felt someone rubbing my ears. I felt my tail wagging as I started acting like a dog. "Awww.... Is my wolfie stress out... Who's such a good boy? You are? Oh yes you are!" I licked him then kissed him. I pulled his tail. "Thats for cheating on Gmod!" "No fair!" "Awww...Is my Kitty cat sad?" I said sticking out my tounge. He rolled his eyes and we all walked away.

Mini POV:]

I never saw Vanoss go insane to almost killing someone like that. I was scared for my life until Delirious started petting him. He calmed down really quickly and acted like a dog. I was shocked about how quickly Delirious calm him down. We were all heading back to my house but I need to know how Delirious calm him down. "Hey Jon- I mean Delirious?" "Yes Mini? Also its okay you want to call me by my real name." "Right? Anyway... I was meaning to ask you but how did you calm down Evan?" He stopped and looked at me. "I know the guy for 8 years and I lived with for 3 years. When I first saw him mad. I was scared too but he calms down when I rub his ears or pet him. He's going to be super over-protect since I'm pregnant. Its normal to see him like that. Plus he actually killed a guy once." Delirious whisper that last part. "I didn't not kill him okay Jon! Now don't try to whisper your way out if my dogs ears are out you idiot! Now put your ears away." "You know your not fun Evan!" "Ha Ha! If you want a round 2 then let's go Baby!" "Fuck you!" "What time?" I started laughing and it was funny seeing them like this. The guys were laugh but Tyler wasn't here? Where is he? I sat down and sigh as Delirious lay on Evan. "You know at some point you'll have to stay with me right?" He said to Vanoss. Vanoss sigh and smiled then pet Delirious. "I know. I won't let them hurt you. I promise..." Vanoss said and it was so cute. Hopefully we could finished this mission before Delirious has his child.


To be continue...

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