Chapter 3-"The Plan"

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Vanoss POV:]

Wild Cat explained more about the plan and he looked at me.He looked at me and it seems like he wanted to talk to me alone. "You know Ms.Violet and Jacob Gates?" "Of course thats Scar and Toxic Violet." "Correct.I heard a few days ago.They needed Dr.Killer or pain-" "Dr.Pain first of all.Don't you remember when me and Moo did when he kidnapped us?Hehehe...." I said scratching and Moo started to get mad. "Evan!Don't remind me!I got a headache from that." "Sorry Moo but we almost got ourselves killed and almost hurt our friends." I said and than we were getting off topic. "Horrible times.Anyway Violet and Scar are working with Dr.Pain and took a scientist name,Dr.Sanchez along with Dr.Nuñez.And they are up to no good." "Hmmm....Well we have to find out what they are planning." "Yeah but even if we do know their plan.We haven't fought crime in 3 years." Moo was right and I knew exactly what to do but before I could say anything Delirious read my mind. "We could go to we could practice.It could be a work-out while we wait until night time comes so we could find out whats their plan." "Great idea.The probably is when should we get started?" "Maybe tomorrow.Right now all of us needs rest from traveling." Nogla said yawning and than I saw Delirious yawned.I started blushing when he yawned.After we talked about the plan.I start down on the couch and watch some TV.I noticed that Delirious went next to me and lay down.He started purring and I smiled.I noticed the guys were looking at me but I didn't care at all.I just kept watching TV until Cartoonz,Ohm,Bryce,well most of the guys except.Nogla,Mini,Marcel and Scotty.I heard Delirious purr louder and he was asleep on me. "Woah!I never heard Delirious purr." "Oh this is-*coughs*I mean oh yeah!I-I didn't know he purrs or if he was a cat in the first place.I thought he was kidding." "So....When are you and Delirious going to fuck to make your babies."I stopped but I felt my tail getting crushed.I yelped and I felt claws deep in and Delirious woke up. "What!Huh!Babies!" "M-My T-Tail!M-My balls!C-Crushed!" I whimper and I felt my tail free and Delirious got off of me.I started rubbing my tail. "Why would you think that Vanoss and I will have any kids.We aren't even dating." Delirious said blushing and for some reason that hurts about what he said.I felt tears in my eyes.I know he didn't mean it but thats been on my mind for a while now and I can't shake it off. "Evan...Are you okay?" "Huh?O-Oh.Y-Yeah." I was lying to them but I guess Delirious saw me hurt about what he said.

I knew he felt bad and I know he didn't mean it. "You sure?" "Y-Yeah.I-I'll just be in my room."I said limping my way but almost fell down trying to get to my room.Once I close the door I sat on the bed.I felt tears going down my face.Warm tears going down each time while I thought about what Jonathan said to the guys.'We aren't even dating.'I felt more tears goes down.Then,I heard the door open.I quickly wipe my tears and took a deep breath. "Hey Wolfie.You alright?I noticed you were sad." "O-Oh hey Jon.Y-Yeah....I-I'm fine.Its nothing just my balls hurts." "No its not about that.Is it about what I said about not having kids with you?" He took off his mask and looked at me with those blue eyes.He sat infront of me and wipe my tears. "Hey...Does my wolfie want their kitten?" "Yes..." "I can't heard you..." "Yes!" I felt him kiss me and I kiss him back and we were almost making out.We stopped and we both started laughing. "Evan....You know that I want kids with you.Kittens or puppies.Whatever.It doesn't matter with me but we have to wait until we are married.Which I dunno when." I felt bad and I did buy the ring but will he except it or not?I afraid to get rejected.I hold Delirious hands and smiled to him. "Hey Jonathan.Do you want to go out with me after this?This whole mess?" He smiled and nodded and then hugged me. "Of course I will!I would love to go on a date with you." We both laughed but then he yawned and I yawned.We got into out pajamas and got in bed.I pulled Delirious close and slowly close my eyes.Training starts tomorrow.Hopefully this plan will work sooner or later...

Mini POV:]

It was the next day and I saw Wild Cat up so I got into my clothes and went downstairs.I saw Wild Cat trying to cook but I laughed. "Here let me help you." "Oh!Morning Mini.I wanted to-" "yeah I know.You want me to help you?" "Can you give me the things that I need to cook please?" "Okay than." I said.Wild Cat told me what he was making.I grab the materials and went upstairs to wake up everyone else.When everyone was up.It was only Vanoss and Delirious.I knocked on their door and opened it. "Guys....Its time to....wake.....up?" I saw Vanoss and Delirious sunggling to each other and I saw a picture of Evan and Delirious.Did they met before coming over here?Like seen face to face?Did they lie to us about seeing each other before they came over here together.Now I think about it.Evan and Delirious have been close to each other.Delirious has been purring around Evan.Are they dating?I saw one of them opening their eyes but I acted like I came in."Guys time to wake up!Wake up guys!" "Uuuuuu!!!!Momma Mini!Give us 5 more minutes." "Momma Mini said get your ass up bitch!" I said and they got up. "Hurry now!You guys have to train today." "Okay.Okay.We'll be done there soon.Just let us get dress okay." "Okay." I said and close the door.I went downstairs and I smelled something good.I saw everyone eating and they all looked at me. "Hey Mini!You should try this.Its delicious!" "Oh." "Whats wrong?" "O-Oh.Its just nothing but..." I stop and said nothing to only fear about what I said or how I say.I don't want to come out the wrong way....I just want everyone to get along while we try to stop this plan.I saw Evan come down and he must have something on his hands. "Morning Evan." "Morning." "How are your balls and tail?" "I'm fine.At least I could walk." "Whats wrong." "Oh nothing I just need your opinion on something." "What is it?" Marcel asked and Evan showed up whats inside the box.It was a ring.Everyone gasp and Vanoss seems to be blushing.Don't tell me if this is true.Evan is going to propose to someone he loves....


Holy shit!Evan going to propose to someone?I wonder who?Anyway hopefully you enjoy and sorry for the long wait....I just been out of it.I think something is wrong with me.Everyone seems worried about me.Anyway see you guys in the next chapter...Bye!


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