Chapter 12-"Sneaking Out"

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A/N-Its been a While so I'm starting this randomly and i think its off topic okay... Anyway Enjoy I guess? Its been a while since I been on H20Vanoss or the crew okay. I haven't been feeling at all so yeah... sorry for a long wait.... Anyway Enjoy the story....


Delirious POV:]

 While the guys explain the plan, I was just sitting down on the couch on my phone. I really didn't know what to do since "Mr.OverProtective" here wouldn't let me join in the plan. I know that my wolfie is only protecting our family but by pushing me away is doing nothing at all. I got off the couch and peek out to another room where the guys are explaining the plan. "Alright men, What's the plan to stop Dr. Pain" Vanoss asked while slamming his hand on the table. I jumped alittle and kept listening. "Well... I know Pain so he's going to be busy. He was planning to use victims and rob some money from the bank while he does his secret plan. He's doing a double plan." "Okay so he is trying separating us from each other huh?" "But when is it?" "Tomorrow Night?" Jacob explained. I ear started to twitch. "Okay men. We go tomorrow night but right now we need rest." "Vanoss... What about Delirious?" "He'll be fine. Plus he has to stay here and keep watch with Mini. Jacob Moo, Lui are coming with me while Wild Cat, Terroriser, Marcel,   Nogla, and Scotty. You guys will deal with the bank. Cartoonz, Ohm, Bryce, and Mini will stay here with Delirious. Cartoonz I need you to take care of him while I'm gone. Mini you could hack the cameras so you could see where the locations are. Is everyone alright with the plan?" Vanoss explained a lot and everyone agreed. I quickly went upstairs to my room where I lay down. I sigh and touched my stomach. "I guess your father is doing a heist without me huh? He doesn't want us hurt but I could take care of myself." I said to the baby. I heard the door opened and it was Vanoss. I smiled and he smiled. "Hey." "Hey..." He came to me and sat on the right side of me. "How ya feeling?" "I'm feeling okay.. Just sick you know." His ears were down and mines went down too. "Evan is something wrong?" "Oh... No. Its nothing. You don't need to worry about it." "You sure?" I acted which I was surprised that Vanoss lied to me. He didn't want to tell me about the mission. He yawned and took off his jacket. "Well we should probably get some rest." Evan said while changing out of his clothes. He put on a gray shirt with sweat pants on. I took off my jacket and did the same thing but I had a white t-shirt with my blue boxers. We both got on the bed and fell asleep. Vanoss was giving me space which I understand why he did it. He's trying to get used to not cuddling each night even if I really want his arms around me. I just knew what to do when everyone is asleep.


I woke up and quickly got up. I grab my pants and put them on and put on my blue jacket. I grab my mask and put it on. I also grab my phone and the baseball bat. I opened the door quietly and look to see if anyone was awake. I turn around to see Vanoss asleep still. He looks so cute when he's asleep but I need to stay focus! I walk out the room and quietly closed the door. I was heading downstairs until I heard laughter. I took a peek and Nogla, Marcel, Cartoonz, Anthony, Ohm, and Scotty were still up. There drinking beer. I had to knock them out or sneak out. I checked if the window was opened and it was. I went to it as I heard someone coming up the stairs. I was about to jump out til the foot-steps stop. "Jonathan... W-What are you doing awake? Your suppose to be asleep." Cartoonz said getting close to me. I put on my hoodie and sigh. "I'm sorry Cartoonz for doing this to you.." "What?" I swinged my baseball bat and knocked him out. I heard more foot-steps coming to me so I quickly climbed out the window and jumped out. I landed on my feet and hide in the bushes. "Luke! Are you okay?!" "Guys keep it down. Vanoss and Delirious are still asleep." "Your right... Good thing they are not awake or they'll freak out." "Alright. Put Cartoonz to bed while we check the area." The heard the window close and I got out of the bushes and ran off. I put the baseball back behind my back before I turned into a cat and started to run. No one will know that I sneaked out.


Vanoss POV:]

I woke up and I turned to Delirious but he wasn't in bed at all. I sat up and yawned and stretched. I got up and knocked on the door for the bathroom. "Jonathan... Are you okay?" No response but he was probably downstairs with the guys. I got dress and went downstairs. I saw Cartoonz with an icepack and the guys seems worried. "Hey guys? Have you seen Delirious?" "No. Wasn't he in bed with you?" "No. He wasn't at all. Also What happened to Cartoonz?" "He said that someone knocked him out with a baseball bat and we looked around but there was nothing." Ohm said as he took a sip on coffee. I thought for a second and I noticed that Delirious wasn't here as well... He's not here. I growled under my breath when my family is in danger. "Evan are you okay?" "I'm fine. I am just thinking" I realized that Delirious sneaked out when we were asleep! He knocked Cartoonz out and went out. I smashed the wall and growled loudly, I left a hole in the wall as my family is in danger! "Vanoss whats wrong?!" "Mini! GET ON THE COMPUTER AND HACKED INTO THE CAMERAS FOR THE CITY! NOW!" "On it!" Mini went to his computer and started to do his thing. I grab the keys to a motorcycle that Mini owned. "I'm going out!" I said as I put an ear piece on and told Mini to put it on also. I left and got on the motorcycle and started driving to find Delirious. If anything happens to him than I am going to hurt or kill them if they touch my family!


To be continue...

This is how I edit a picture :3

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This is how I edit a picture :3

Also I haven't forgot about Vanoss and the crew! Now can I sleep? Thank you and good night!

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