Chapter 4-"Training"

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Vanoss POV:]

I went downstairs and I brough a box out which I wanted the guys opinion on this.Hopefully they don't ask me too much questions... "Morning Evan" "Morning." "How are your balls and tail?" "I'm fine.At least I could walk." "Whats wrong." "Oh nothing I just need your opinion on something." "What is it?" Marcel asked and I took out the box and show it to them.I also showed them whats inside the box.Everyone gasp and I started blushing.Don't tell me that they are going to make fun of me for... "Evan were you dating someone?" Lui asked like he knew who I was dating. "Yeah but I don't like talking about who I'm dating with when I'm playing with you guys." "Oh!Well who is the-" "IS IT DELIRIOUS?!" Nogla yelled getting Lui's idea and I felt myself heat up but I quickly calm down and took a breath. "Hell no!Delirious and I are just friend.Its Sydney." "O-Oh.I didn't know you were dating with her..." "Yeah..." Everything was quiet and I put the ring away and grab something to eat than walked away. "Evan come eat what Wild Cat-" "No....I'm fine.Give my food to Delirious." "Okay than....Geez, Tell me next time that you don't want my food okay...." Wild Cat said as I sat down.I realized I heard myself whimper.I hate that bitch.Why would I say my ex-girlfriend name?I saw Delirious came downstairs and talk to the guys.I quickly went upstairs to hide the ring.I went back with everyone else. "Alright.Shall we head on to the gym?" I said and everyone nodded.Well Moo,Lui,and Delirious nodded. "While Moo,Lui,Delirious,and I go to the gym.You guys can try to find something that might help us with this problem." "On it." "Still acts like a leader..." Cartoonz whispers to Ohm but I didn't say anything.Its not my fault that I could hear them whisper.I went upstairs and I think I had workout clothes in here or I could try to find something. "Is my Wolfie looking for something?" I turned around to see Jonathan standing at the door way. "Just workout clothes.Also don't tell Moo or Lui but...." "But what?" "I brought our suits." "Oh my god!Really!How did you even bring our suits if we took the airport?" "Don't worry I have my ways...." I said and I found them.But for some reason why did I bring this in the first place?

I shurgged it off and continue doing what I was doing.After I was done.I went back with the guys and we head off to the gym.Its been a while since we fought each other for practice.Mini dropped us off and we walked into the gym.I saw my old boss and I smiled. "Well...Well...Well...Look what we have here?Isn't it my old co-worker Evan Fong." "Its nice to see ya again." "Man you must be here for the VIP area like always huh?" "You know me so well." "Hey, If you need a job.We could use you back here.Everyone from this place miss you." "I'm just visting but thanks.Well see ya Carlos." I walked away to the VIP. "Hey Evan.Catch!" He threw me the key and I smiled.I unlocked it and walked in.Moo,Lui,And Delirious relaxed and our old training room. "I miss this old place." Moo said and stretched out. "Alright boys.Who wants to go first?" "Vanoss I challenge you for a fight." "Oh really.You sure monkey?" I joked around and he smiled. "Of course!" I took off my shirt.I never wear a shirt when we are praticing. "Alright then....Shall we get started?" I said and everyone just looked at me.I just waited for Lui to come and fight me already.We need to train to get back to our old-selfs.Hopefully I don't hurt Lui.

Lui POV:]

When Vanoss took off his shirt.He had a six-pack and my mouth dropped.I looked at Delirious and he didn't say anything.His ears were red so he was blushing and his tail was going crazy.He must have a crush on Evan.Moo just made Delirious sit down while I went in the middle with Evan.Hopefully I don't get killed by him. "Ready....In 3....2...1....Go!" Moo yelled and I started to attack Evan.I try to hit him but I blocked him.When Vanoss try to hit me.He almost hit me by the face but he knocked me down to the floor and stepped on me. "Woah!Calm down Bat Owl." "Heh....Sorry I really need to control my strength.I been working out but not with others." "Okay.Maybe.Delirious should fight me now." "Okay than." Vanoss helped me up and he patted my back.Man, now I know not to mess with Evan.We sat down and Delirious seems to have a problem. "Ummm...Del.You need to take off your mask." "I know...I know.I just don't have make up on.I'm not used to taking off my mask and showing people my face." "Just take it off Del." Evan said and Delirious had his hands on his mask.He stop for a moment then he took it off. "Catch you stupid Alpha!" He threw it to Evan and Vanoss caught it. "Just fight right now!" Evan said and Moo punched Delirious but he pushed Moo away and kicked him by the stomach to pushed him back.Moo went back to Delirious but when they were fighting.I heard someone growling.I look at Vanoss and he seems to be getting mad. "Evan calm down....Its just training." He started mumbling to himself. "Its just a fight....He's not hurting Jon for real....Calm down.Its fake not real....." Does he love Delirious?When Moo almost punched Delirious.Evan got up and went to Moo and started growling.He pulled Delirious and pulled him close to himself. "E-Evan....?" "Touch him and you will die!" "Evan calm down." Evan made Delirious look at him and kissed him.I started fan girling and Moo gasp.Once they stop kissing Delirious pulled away Blushing and slapped Evan. "Fucking calm down your stupid dog!We are just fucking training.Get your dog side under control." "Hey!Its not my fault!Also can you stop complaining so much.Man I am sick of tired of hearing your complains.Can you stop being a pussy cat!" "You take that back!" "I will if you keep your lazy ass off of me!" "I wish I never-" "I wish I never fell in love with you." I gasp.Were they dating in the first place.I saw Delirious have tears in his eyes. "Jon...I'm sorry...I didn't-" Delirious grab his masked and walked out than slam the door. "So much of being close." "Evan...Are you and Delirious.....Dating?" He looked at me and nodded. "Oh...." "Don't tell the others...Please....I wanted to keep this as a secret.Me and Delirious don't want you guys to get off guard.We should stop practicing fot the day." Evan said leaving and we left with him.Hopefully they talked instead of fighting.What have we done....We must have ruden their relationship together or something...


Lui its not you or Moo's fault!Evan couldn't control his dog side from fucking everything up.He was just being over'protective over Delirious and making sure his boyfriend is safe and not hurt at all.You can't blame yourselves for what Evan did....

You can't blame yourselves for what Evan did

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