Chapter 10-"Forgiveness"

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Delirious POV:]

I was walking and I almost fell to my knees trying to get as far as I can.I heard thunder which I felt water.It started raining.I try to find somewhere to hide but I sat down in an alley way and started to get cold.I was so lost that I would end up freezing to death.I started crying about what Vanoss said.He said he love me!He said that he cared about me!He said that he would protect me and never break my heart!Heh!Look what he fucking did to us!Our child will never see his fucking face again.I felt more tears streaming down my face and I look at my stomach.I calmed down and started to think.I place my hand to my stomach even though.There nothing there yet but....What else did I smell on Vanoss.It was the other kind of nice.It was like a drug that they did and he took it out on me.What did I do to deserve this bullshit?Why do I still love him.He doesn't even love me back at all.He hates me...I covered my face and started crying.I heard foot steps coming my way but I didn't even bother looking up. "Sir?What are you doing in the cold?I could hear you coughing from the store." I look up and it was this guy and I just look away freezing. "Here.Take my coat.Come with me.I'll take you back to my place so you can get warm."He helped me up and started walking to his house.Why did he help me?Why does he care?Why does he remind me of Evan so much.I want my wolfie back!I want my alpha. "So whats your name?" I looked at him with a confused face and that was a random question. "You can't talk huh?Well my name is Jacob.Jacob Johnson.I see that you can't speak and you are really sick.I'm a doctor so I can help you with your sickness.After the rain stops and everything.I can take you back home or where you were going in the first place." He said and I kinda smile but I really didn't smile.He stop by a building and walked in grabbing my wrist.

We were going upstairs to the second floor and he stop by the 5th door in the row on his left.He took out his keys and unlocks its.We walked in and he told me to sit on the couch.I was waiting until he was done.He was wearing a gray jacket and black jeans.He went up to me and came to my level. "Hmmm....Why do you have these on your head and ass?" He was about to pulled them until I pushed him away from me. "What?They are fake ears and tail right?" I started blushing and pulled my own ear rubbing it. "Ngh~!" I stopped and was shocked. "Are you half cat!Awwww....Thats so cu-I mean cool!" I started coughing and I quickly stop to say something. "I wouldn't say half cat but I prefer being called a person too you know.Plus I have no time to make silly noises for you.I really have to go." "You can talk!You can actually talk!Then-" "I am not death you know.I could hear you perfectly also I could sense that your not also fully human as well.He started blushing and panicking. "H-How did you know?!" "Its simple.I have a fiance that is a dog and he-I mean they could sense any kind of animals that are like us but I got so close them that I could smell other animals." "O-Oh!B-But do you know what animal am I?" "Of course.Your a Owl just what Evan....likes...." I sigh and he looked at me with a worry face. "Whats wrong?" "Its just that earlier this morning, my fiance got out and he came back with a angry look.He even pushed me away for a hug.I went to talk to him he kinda....Broke up with me for no reason and I am not sure if he loves me or his child." "Wait!YOUR PREGNANT!" "Yeah with that bitch's baby!" "Well you need some rest.Its not good being sick while being pregnant.Plus you look kinda sleep.Tell you what.Take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." "What!No,no,no....This your place.Take your own bed.Its fine if I take the couch.Plus since I'm pregnant that does mean I could take over.I could leave tomorrow its fine.I don't really-" "please....I don't want you to feel uncomfortable when your pregnant.Please take my bed.So I won't feel bad for making you sleep on the couch." He gave me those eyes which I also fall for Vanoss and I sigh. "You act just like him...But okay.I guess." I yawned and he smiled.He grab my hand and pulled me to his bed and it was like king size bed. "Alright!Goodnight..." "Jonathan.Jonathan Denis." "Oh!GoodNight Jonathan." He walked away and I sat down on the bed and thought about Evan.He's all I could think about everyday of my life.He's my everything, even if he still loves me.He's my number 1 fan and I'm his number 1 fan for his channel right?I don't know but he's always going to be my number 1....I stay down and slowly started to fall asleep.

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