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You were sat at collage. Same as you did every weekday. You were excited though.  It was Friday so you finished at 12 so you could go chill with your friends. Until then, however, you would be extremely bored. 

You stared out the window. You're eyes stareing deep into the forest that you used to play in as a kid.  The forest had since been sectioned off. Nobody knew why. As you continued starieing into the forest your eyes seemed to catch something running around. You didn't manage to get a good look at it but it seemed to be wearing a hoodie so you didn't think much of it. 

'Probably just another idiot trying to be cool by breaking the rules,' you thought. Then it seemed to turn around, as if it could feel your (e/c) eyes on it. It was a he. You could see that now he was turned around. He had long black hair and was wearing black jeans with a white hoodie. He seemed to be smiling at you so you smiled back and waved.

"Y/n" called out you teacher. "If the outside is so interesting then perhaps you should write an essay about it?" 

You sighed and shook your head, making sure the teacher had turned her head back to what she was writing before returning your gaze to the to the forest. The man was gone now. Probably ran back to his friends. 

The lesson had finally endded. You walked out and went to meet your friends but first you ran to your locker to drop off your folders. You found a note carefully placed on one of your top of some of some homework due in 3 weeks ago. 

'Hey beautiful. Saw you earlier you seemed upset. Can't wait to meet you later :) Lots of love J xxx'

You smiled and assumed it was Jason, he's been your boyfriend for about 4 months now. You were also going to see him later and he was coming to your house after you left your friends. He made you so happy. 

In that moment you felt yourself being watched. You tensed up and tried to figure out which direction this sensation was coming from. 

It was then that your friend jumped you from behind..

"Omg (bff/n) that's not funny" you squealed.

"Your reaction was worth it." You best friend was laughing hysterically. It was moments like this you questioned why you put up with her. The two of you walked away but you still felt like someone was watching you.

~time skip~ 

You were walking home with Jason. You got that feeling again. Like someone was watching you. You tried to shake it off but it just felt more and more intense. As if whoever it was, was following you. 

You finally made it home with Jason. You locked and bolted the door behind you. You no longer felt you were being watched, which was good. You knew your brother was out but you did expect your parents to be home so you were surprised when you found a note from them saying they were out and wouldn't be back till tomorrow night. 

"So y/n looks like we've got the house to ourselves." you felt Jason wrap his arms around your waist. 

"Yeah how about you go get ready for me upstairs while I grab a drink?" You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and sent him on his way. 

You made yourself a glass of juice then you got that feeling again. You closed the blinds and finished your drink. You heard a crash upstairs. 'Probably Jason getting undressed' you thought. 

You made your way upstairs when you smelt something horrible. You followed the smell to your mum and dad's room  and opened the door. The sight was horrible. Blood was spayed all over the walls, ceiling, floor. Smiles carved into their faces ear to ear. Tied together by their intestines. A message was caved into their chests. 'I wanted you to introduce me to them but when I saw that thing you had with you I decided to surprise you. Look at their smiles they love me xxx' 

You ran to your room, screaming for Jason. When you get to your room it was even worse then your parents room. Your boyfriend's face was skinned off his face. There was still a smile carved into it and his mouth had a knife lodged down it. All his insides had been removed and carefully put in the same position they would be if they were still inside his body. On the wall there was a heart painted on the wall. You dropped on the floor crying when a had reached your shoulder

A/N-sorry for the lack of action. Just had to build a bit more of a story into it. Next update there should be more. 

Twisted (Jeff the killer x fem reader) **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now