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You was woken up only a couple hours after falling asleep, which was understandable since you murdered your biological family not too long ago but what worrying was that if it wasn't for those noisy sirens you probably could've managed to sleep like a baby.

Why are there sirens in the middle of the forest y/n? I dunno maybe the cops wanted a midnight stro- shit sirens!!!

You jolted up and tried to wake up Jeff who is a surprisingly heavy sleeper for someone with no eyelids. Eventually you resorted to punching him hard in the chest which made him angry but got him up. He was about to grab you by the throat but before he had a chance you yelled at him "Sirens!" But all he did was look at you weirdly.

"Y/n I don't hear any s--- fuck I do now let's move. GRINNY! SCOUT AND REPORT TO SMILE! SMILE HOLD THEM OFF AND USE YOUR WEIRD MIND POWERS TO TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING AT ALL TIMES." He grabbed you by the arm and he dragged you along way too quickly and you couldn't keep up. Which he apparently didn't seem to realise until you tripped at which point he picked you up and began to run even faster. "Babes you're great but you've gotta start working on your cardio. Hahaha"

So you ran for a while but the sirens didn't seem to get much further away. "Jeff what's the plan? We're not losing them!"

"Y/n calm down I've got a plan" and so we ran some more until we got to the thickest part of the forest and then Jeff took a quick right, doubled back and dove into the window of a surprisingly nice looking modern house. "Turn on the TV." You gave him a weird lo- "DONT SIT THERE AND STARE AT ME JUST DO WHAT I SAY!" You turned on the TV while  Jeff fucked off to do who knows what while you just sat there with the police getting closer.... when he eventually came back he dragged you in front of the tv and sat there with you until a small hand dragged you both through the tv. It wasn't anything like you'd imagine. There wasn't any glitchy visual swirly portal or anything. There wasn't even a couple mins of time difference to get from point a to point b. It was like walking through a lukewarm waterfall. When you reached the other side you were back in that annoying fucking mansion.

You know what this means? No more walking around the house, no more going out for fun time murder sprees, even less meals than before. Yep now we're just gunna get chained to the bed, beaten the crap out of and have to deal with constant death threats. Still glad you chose to stay with him.
I mean you're gunna wanna hope that's not true coz I'll just have to retreat and leave you to deal with the sulky Jeff hahahahahahaha. You do realise he's damaging your body too right? Do I care he's not trying to hurt me, it doesn't happen to be and any damage can be fixed. What about when it can't be.... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

"Well well well look who came back." You recognised that voice from that night you tried to escape. "I almost didn't recognise you with clothes on."

"Masky." You growled as Jeff tensed beside you. You turned around to look at the disgusting masked man. "From the grandiose sense of narcissism radiation off you I assume either your face or your ego has healed up now?" You and Jeff giggled at that, you insulted him over Jeff beating him up.

"Haha yes very funny y/n. Say have you lost weight? It doesn't look too healthy. That's not a very good choic- ohhhh right Jeff staves you coz he doesn't care about you. How. Could. I. Forget."

You felt Jeff wrap his arms around you from behind and whisper in your ear, "y/n he may not have powers like some creepy pasta but he still is one and therefore much faster and stronger and better endurance than you. Leave it baby." Where's the fun in that? So you turned around, made out with Jeff enough to slide your hand in his pocket and get knifu wifu (which made everyone else in the room cheer and make remarks) broke your embrace with your lover to charge at the masked man from behind. You jumped on him by his back which brought him straight to the floor and you stabbed him.


Five times before they managed to pull you off him. "Hahahah look at Mr confidence now! What's wrong no snide comment now you're bleeding on the floor? Hahahahahahahahahah. Holy shit y/n that's a little excessive!"

"Jesus Christ Jeff what did you do to this girl?" You and Jeff turned around to see that woman with the black hair and weird mask sounding worried. You rolled your eyes and took Jeff's arm and skipped up to your bedroom with the two of you giggling the whole way there. When you got into the room Jeff slammed the door closed and pinned you against it.

"Mmmm baby watching you stab Masky into a bloody mess was the hottest thing I've seen since the last person I set on fire." He pushed against you and began to make out with you. Gross.... oh really you think so. You began to kiss him back and wrap your legs around him. He picked you up and placed you on the bed, never breaking the embrace, you got as far as taking each other's top/hoodies off before you got interrupted. Jeff growled and went to open the door, the elf boy, Ben was there. They started whispering so you couldn't hear them and eventually he growled again. "Y/n baby go make yourself some food I've got some stuff to take care of."

You skipped out of the room and wondered around until you found the huge kitchen. It has just about anything you could've wanted in it but you settled for instant noodles coz who can be bothered to make a fancy meal. It only takes 3 mins to make so that's nice, you were sat nicely eating noodles before weird masked girl came in and tried to ruin your mood.

"You're not his first plaything you know?."

You laughed at her feeble attempt to get under your skin. "Oh sweetie he's not mine. Haha."

"Ah well I just thought I'd give you a heads up, since he abandoned his last one and left her for dead. We get along now and I thought I'd give you a heads up since it sounds like she's not happy about you and Jeff."

"Okay babes that nice, you done trying to phase me?" You said spinning your knife on the table. She didn't respond she just turned around.

"T-th-that was b-b-badass." Someone stuttered. You glanced to a corner and saw a brunette with steam punk goggles on his forehead and a mask over most of his face. "I-I-I like how you p-p-pissed of Jane b-by not l-letting her a-Ann-annoy you. A-and th-thanks for st-stab-stabbing masky, he's be-been a cunt t-to me for y-ye-years.

"Haha no problem." You said as you finished off his noodles. He seems nice and all but for fucks sake he takes forever to finish a god damn sentence.

"I-I-I'm t-t-Toby."


"T-T-Ty's si-sis-sister." You stopped moving around for a second. Woah what you doing. If you're gunna take control don't just stand still.

"Yeah I am."

"How, how is h-he?"

"Dead." You said voice breaking as you walked past him. You were gunna go back to the bedroom but you heard frantic knocking at the door. You stopped to contemplate for a second and opened it. The person ran past you and started calling out for "Jeff, my prince, I know you're hereeeeeeee. Sweetie please come out."

You looked at the bitch confused. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Nina, Nina the killer. Jeff's one and only true lover." 

Haha excuse me!!

Twisted (Jeff the killer x fem reader) **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now