In two minds

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This chapter is gunna be a bit short but most of it will continue in the chosen storyline. This will be today's only AN.

Y/n POV.

"Jeff you never told me you had a brother" you whispered through clenched teeth at your lover.

"I thought I killed him!" He hissed back a little less subtlety.

You both glanced over toward the duo in the doorway. If either of you touch him I'm going to kill Jeff then myself. You're other half growled in response.

"Well you must be y/n?" Said the guy with scars and stitches all over his face. "Nice to finally meet you, we've heard so much about you."

We? You asked yourself.

"Y/n it's okay you can get away now. We've found somewhere safe from all pastas" Ty said holding his arms out.

"WHO THE FUCK SAYS SHE WANTS TO LEAVE!!!" Jeff screamed at your brother, lunging at him with his knife. Ty just stepped out the way and watched him tumble out the door then revealed a dagger that he was holding up his sleeve. You looked at him in shock.

"Y/n lets go." You brother murmured. The real you began to walk towards him cautiously, not sure who of the four 'living' people in the building would snap first.

Apparently it was Liu as he ran at Jeff with a knife he had inside his blazer, the Jeff loving you then tackled him down and tried to stab him with one of your knives then surprisingly Jeff pulled you off him.

"Liu what the fuckkkk?"

"Sorry Liu's taking a nap. I'm Sully. Now get here you miserable dog it's time to be put down!" He went to lunge again but Ty held him back. And whispered something in his ear. Jeff probably didn't like that as he began sucking on your neck really obviously which made Ty lose his composure.

"Get. Your. Filthy. Fucking. Hands. Off. Her."

"Jesus Christ if you walked in 5 mins earlier you would've had a heart attack" Jeff laughed hysterically. Good y/n cringed and pulled away and ran towards her brother. For years he protected you, made you smile through your toughest times, he never abandoned you, hurt you or made you feel remotely bad.

Then the bad y/n made her stop in her tracks. Jeff only treats you bad when you're being a little bitch, you know you deserve it. He's tried to kill me so many times for no reason! He put a roof over your head when you had nowhere to go. I had no where to go coz he killed our parents. He fed you. He staved me. He slept with you. He raped me and killed my boyfriend. He loves you...

"Y/n, please don't go back to him. Let me help you." Ty pleaded.

"Y/n, my gorgeous queen, come back to me baby" Jeff called out. You were paralyzed by indecision. Ty was your family. Jeff was your... Well you weren't actually sure to be honest. "Y/n if you don't get back here I'm going to kill your brother and force you to have a threesome with his fucking corpse!" Jeff was getting impatient.

"Y/n, it's okay. I can take you away, somewhere safe for now. With people that can help you."

"WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK." Suddenly it was silent. You could hear a pin drop. You took a few deep breaths, you felt like you were about to have an 'episode' as you liked to call it. Ty saw this can quickly came to comfort you while Jeff stood there confused. You took a few more deep breaths and then pulled away. "Okay, I've made up my mind. I choose...

Twisted (Jeff the killer x fem reader) **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now