Stupid cat

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(A/N: I love cats btw)

The first couple of days living in the mansion with Ty instead of Jeff were actually okay. Until the nightmares started kicking in. They weren't really nightmares as much as they were bad memories, occasionally you'd dream Jeff came back for you, and to be honest at this point if it stopped the nightmares you were okay with it. It didn't help that Ty disappeared to god knows where every night but that stopped when the housemates started complaining about the screaming. From that point onward he started going out earlier and came back earlier to help you sleep, which was nice until you realized when ever he came back he was covered in blood. You had your suspicions about what he was doing but couldn't bring yourself to admit it, Ty was nothing like Jeff, he wouldn't do anything like that. Would he?

No. Never

You were safe right?

Jeff's point of view

"FUCKS SAKE" I screamed at the top of my lungs, wreaking everything that can be broken in sight. "This is your fault you son of a bitch." I looked  in the mirror "you made me weak. She made me weak!" I slammed my hand against the mirror and watched the boy in the reflection flinch. He wasn't as beautiful as me, a reflection of who I used to be. I recently got the mirror replaced after y/n's little episode. Now I can see the brown haired boy again.

"No I stopped you doing something you'd regret." He replied timidly. "You know you care about that girl."

"No. You cared about her. And guess what idiot, NOW NEITHER OF US HAVE HER!"

"You can get her back. You just went the wrong way about getting her."

"Did I though? I had her right where I wanted her."

I remember back when I first saw her. I was dragging a body through the forest then she looked over at me. Originally I was going to kill her but when I saw her I knew I had to have her. Mine forever. No matter what.

"I can get her back." I say to myself before turning back to Jeffery. "Don't ever interfere again or I'll find medication to g-"


Stupid fucking cat. Never does what it's fucking told. Won't shut the fuck up. I should've got her a fucking dog.

Wait. The cat!

"Grinny. Here. Now." The cat is the key. She loves that cat. The cat is what first got y/n to stop being a aggressive bitch in the first place.

"Yes Jeff?" Grinny says when she enters the bathroom

I turn back to Jeffery and re-carve my smile so he disappears and get to work.

Back to y/n.

You woke up drenched in sweat again. Ty was still there, fast asleep. You didn't scream while he was with you but you still had nightmares. You quietly untangled yourself from his brotherly embrace. You got in a small argument about who would sleep on the bed and you were both too stubborn to allow the other to sleep on the floor so you shared the bed so you were always careful not to wake him when you woke. Eventually he'd sense your absence and wake up but you got a short while of alone time. You went to the bathroom and stares at the mirror. The wound had healed but it had left a nasty scar. You stood there for a while just starring at yourself until someone touched your shoulder and you jumped to the other side of the room. Ty looked at you with a mixture of sadness and amusement and simply said "I will never hurt you"

You laughed and replied "sorry, bad habit"

You gave you a hug and left to go do whatever.

You are the breakfast your brother left you in the mini-fridge. You heard scratching at the door, you knew better than to investigate. You're in a house of killers for fucks sake. Then you heard Jeff call out for Grinny down the hall.
"Grinny you stupid cat! Where the fuck are you?!"

You were still careful but you approached the door to listen. The scratching was now accompanied by meowing. It was Grinny.

You didn't understand. Was she in trouble?

Don't open the door y/n you told yourself.

But you didn't hear footsteps approaching. He must still be on the other side of the house. The scratching was becoming more desperate. The meows became like cries for help. You couldn't stand it.

She's your kitty, you had to save her. You opened the door and looked down. Grinny was there. You we're so relieved.

Until you saw feet behind her.

Those feet were attached to black jeans.

And a white hoodie covered in blood.

That came from a freshly carved smile.

Jeff ran at you, tackling you to the ground. Slamming your head to the floor. You got dissy but didn't pass out, your head was stronger than that after all the crap with him before but you were still out of it.

Jeff took this as a chance to lock the door.

"Which means Ty can't save you" you both tjought and heard Jeff say at the same time.


A/N again

Sorry for long updates recently. wifi doesn't work at home or college so it takes me a while

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