Team Jeff

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...Jeff" you said surely.

"Hahaha tough luck bro, best scurry along now hahaha!!!" Jeff was thrilled. He practically skipped to you and when he got there he picked you up and spun you around. "Let's go babeeee ha."

Jeff's POV


Congratulations you've made another one crazy.

Shut up you can't ruin this mood. No one cannnnnnnnnn.

Jesus I genuinely thought she was making you less insane.

"I'm not insane I'm crazy. Crazy in loveeeeeee" I accidentally said aloud but at this moment I didn't care. I was gunna carry her all the way home and fuck her so hard it was gunna be so much fun!!!!!!

"Not so fast brother."

"FOR FUCKS SAKE IM NOT IN THE MOOD TO DEAL WITH YOU LIU!!!" I literally turned around and screamed at him.

"Yeah I don't care. I need y/n to come with us coz you know, my boss wants her s-"

I borrowed one of y/n's knives and threw it at him, I was aiming for the stomach and it embedded it's self right in there. I didn't wanna deal with this right now and also "well he can't have y/n coz she is mineeeeeee. YOU HEAR THAT TY SHE'S MINEEEEE SHE CHOSE MEEEEEEEEE NOT YOUUUU!"

"Jeff there's no need to rub it in. The other y/n is getting upset, lets just go please." My y/n whispered in my ear. Ooooo I love calling her mine.

Best leave before she changes her mind, I mean I wouldn't wanna be stuck with you.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. Y/n looked startled "Not you babe just the voices in my head. You're a good kitty, you're getting a treat when we get home!" She smiled so I got ready to whisk her off into the night but first I turned us around to appreciate the beauty of what we've done together. My brother was bleeding out on the floor and hers was on his knees looking catatonic. Maybe this time Liu will stay dead.

And with that we disappeared.

Ty's POV.

I almost couldn't believe it. Why would she choose to stay with that cunt. He treats her like shit. I cared about her, I was there for her through everything. That cunt has never done anything for her in his life!


I lost her. I failed her. That's the only logical reason she doesn't want to come with me. Like what can he give her that I can't?

Why should I even care? It's not like she was my real sister anyway. Just someone my parents took in to keep me company. My parents died because of her. Yeah I don't give a shit.

Yes I do. I shouldn't but I do. Why the fuck can't I just leave her alone. She's clearly happy now I guess.

No she's not that creep just fucked with her head. First you fuck their body then you fuck their mind. I'm gunna kill that fucking psych---

"TY!" Liu called out "SNAP OUT OF IT NOW!"

Shit he's bleeding out. I took off my t-shirt and used it to press on the wound. "Liu we need to get you medical attention, how do we contact the group?" I said calmly. This was not the time to freak out.

"In my blazer there is a phone. You need to call Dr smiley and tell him to get Judge Angel to fly him here asap." He said weakly.

"Okay, okay." I went into his phone and did what he said. It took 3 dials then someone picked up.

"Let me guess? The new guy failed? How typical." A sarcastic voice called out.

"Actually Liu is the one on the floor with a knife in his stomach." I remarked. "You need to get here asap."

"I see." The voice said and hung up.

Fucking rude. I'm having doubts about this new alliance already.

Y/n's pov.

You were still being carried through the forest. On the one hand it was really cute but on the other he was unnecessarily rude to your brother. "Jeff you know I'm capable of walking?"

He giggled "why would I let my precious princess walk?"

"Are you not tired? Or worn out? Surely your arms are tired."

"No why would I? I'm not human" he laughed and gave you another kiss. "Did I do something wrong?"

You smirked. "No of course not" and made out with him and when you stopped he ran home fasted.

Hehehe isn't he cute.

No he's not.


Do you like my doodle? Sorry team Ty Jeff won out in the end makes sense tho since this is a Jeff x reader

When the story is complete I'll post the team ty part at the end till then youll just have to wait

Love you all xoxo

Twisted (Jeff the killer x fem reader) **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now