Chapter 1.

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I want you all to trust me! Ok?


"If that's what they want, that's what they get. I want you to find those centerpieces by hook or by crook. Ok?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now go and start looking for them. And can you please ask Janet to come in."

"Sure ma'am."

After her assistant left the room, she picked up her phone in her hand and dialed a number.

"Can I come in?" A voice came after someone knocked the door.

"Come in Janet." Janet came in with a smile on her face. "Can you please call Miss Ria? She called me yesterday and I forgot to call her back. Just ask her what she wants."

"Sure ma'am." 

"Thank you."

Janet left the room soon after that. She removed the phone from her ear as no one answered. She again dialed the same number before her eyes fell on the papers on her desk. She took them in her hands and started arranging them.

"Hello beautiful."

She smiled before rolling her eyes,"this does not suit you."

"And it's awkward."


"Why did you call?"

"Where is daddy? He is not answering my calls."

"I don't know. Probably at home busy with kids."

"It's Friday today. They don't come there on Fridays."

"Then maybe he is sleeping."

"Try calling him. I tried three time."

"Why are you calling him again and again?"

"I first called to ask if he took his medicines or not. And then I called him because he didn't answer the first time."

"He will be fine. I will call him wait."


"I will call you later than."

"Bye. AllahHafiz."

"Hey, Zyva wait."


"You are beautiful."

Zyva smiled widely before keeping her phone on the table. Sufyaan was not a type to say sweet things to his wife regularly. But whenever he did, he meant it with all his heart.

"Woah woah woah! Why are you blushing?" Said a lady in her mid twenties when she entered the room.

Zyva smiled wider,"nothing."

"Was that your husband?"


"Wow!"  She said while sitting on the chair across from Zyva. "I love it when My husband makes me smile. But that happens once a year when he gives me his credit card on my birthday."

Zyva started laughing,"My husband never did that!"

"But he makes you smile every now and then."

"He makes me angry more than he makes me smile."

"But you two are really cute."

Zyva shook her head,"I need your help."

"What can I do for you madam?"

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