Chapter 18.

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Sorry! I know I'm late! I'm so sorry! My cousins came to my place and then I went to my uncle's house for a family lunch and ended up staying there! It was unplanned so I didn't have my charger which was why my phone was off for a long time! So although I completed the chapter almost a week ago I could still not publish it! Sorry!

Now I'm going to a party so I really don't have time to edit so please adjust and point out the mistakes!

I have to go now!


"Stop here." Afzal said.

Raiyan stopped the car, as ordered. Aman and Afzal quickly came out. Raiyan didn't know what to do but he still came out of the car, just in case they need his help for something. Car was parked across from Sufyaan's house.

Aman looked at Sufyaan's house and saw Haajar walking, practically running towards them.

"Haajar." Aman said, with a frown on his forehead. Haajar took a breath finally and then started breathing heavily.

"What happened? Why are you so pale?" Afzal inquired.

"Sufyaan bhai is really angry. He is shouting."

"He shouted at you?" Aman asked.

"No. I was going to a supermarket." Raiyan raised his left eyes upon hearing supermarket. "when he came. I was not planning to wait or listen to them. I came out of the house and I heard Sufyaan Bhai scream."

"He is screaming?" Aman asked, surprised at his friend's behaviour.

"No. I mean he was talking really loud."

"Should we go and stop?" Afzal asked.

"What did he say?" Aman asked, Haajar.

"Her cousin Suf...."

"Sufyaan called him. We know that." Afzal said, nodding his head.

"Yeah. He said, her cousin said, Sufyaan bhai should leave her so that he can marry her."

"What!?" Afzal and Aman exclaimed together.

"Yeah." Haajar said nodding her head.

"Why did he say that? That jerk!" Afzal said, looking away.

"I guess Bhabhi said someone that she was scared that Sufyaan Bhai will leave her because of their situation."

"Oh God! Even that might have made Sufyaan angry!" Afzal said, shaking his head.

"He was really very angry!" Haajar said, looking down.

"He came out." Afzal said suddenly.

Everyone looked at the door and saw, a very angry looking Sufyaan coming out. He was again too angry to notice anyone around him. 

"Sufyaan!" Afzal shouted, as loud as possible.

Sufyaan looked up, upon hearing his name. He looked at everyone but didn't change his expressions. He didn't want anyone to see or talk to him at that moment. He didn't want anyone to know what had happened. He turned around and started walking in the other direction . Afzal started walking towards him to stop him.

"Afzal let him go." Aman said instantly.

"Yeah. Damage is already done." Haajar said, looking down. She was extremely upset about the fight between sufyaan and Zyva. She had witnessed a lot of couple fights as a child which was why she was more upset than anyone else. She always gets nervous when couples fight and Sufyaan was like an elder brother which she never had.

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