Chapter 8.

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"I can do that." Haajar said, who was talking to Zyva on phone.

"Are you sure? If you don't want to do then that's fine. We can order food."

"Bhabhi don't worry. I know how to cook so I can help you. Do not worry."

"Thank you so much Haji. I will try to come as soon as possible."

"Take your time."

Zyva was extremely busy these days because of two upcoming Weddings. They had very little time and things just didn't seem to be in control. This was the first time they were arranging two weddings at the same time and it was overwhelming. Zyva had to complete some work which was why she was going to be a little late. That's why she asked for Haajar's help to cook food.

After disconnecting the call, Haajar went to the kitchen to see what all they had. She was helping Zyva daily but she was just an assistant. She was very young when she learned cooking so she was confident but she wasn't sure if they would like her food or not.

"Assalamu Alayekum." Haajar said when Khurshid entered the kitchen.

"Walekum assalam. What are you doing?"

"Bhabhi said she will be late so she asked me to cook."

"Oh. You want help?"

Haajar smiled,"No."

"Wait. Let's make a traditional Hyderabadi dish."


"Yes. my Ammi was Hyderabadi."

"Oh. I didn't know that."

"Come I will teach you how to make daal, Hyderabadi style."

Haajar laughed,"ok."

Soon Khurshid's cooking class started. He was not familiar with the places where the stuff was kept so Haajar helped him to search all the ingredients. Once they had everything ,Khurshid started telling Haajar stories of his Hyderabad diaries. After a while Khurshid was feeling tired so he sat on the chair and instructed Haajar what to do. Haajar was following his orders carefully so that she doesn't spoil the daal.
It was seven thirty in the evening and they were almost done with their Daal. Khurshid then decided to make Thesa, a Marathi dish which was his wife's favourite.

"That's it?"Haajar asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

"Yes. Just take few green chillies,few garlic cloves and blend them in the mixer. Take one pan to heat some oil. Then add it in the oil, add some salt and then cook it just for a minute or two and it's done."

"Just chilles?"

"Yes. Your Khala had a weird taste."

"I guess."

"It tastes really good with daal so don't worry."


"Give me a knife." Khurshid said.

"What is happening here?"Sufyaan said, who was standing in the hallway.

"We are making dinner."Haajar said.

"Sufyaan come here and take the water if you want." Khurshid said after some time.

"I will give him." Haajar said before leaving the spoon in her hand and turning towards the fridge.

"No, wait. He will come and take. He used to do that earlier. Zyva spoiled him a lot."

Haajar smiled,"ok."

"You help me. "

Instead of coming to the kitchen, Sufyaan went to his room. He knew Zyva was not at home so he didn't wait in the living room. Haajar and Khurshid on the other hand were deciding who would make Rotis. Haajar was not bad at making Rotis but she wasn't good either which was making her nervous. Khurshid on the other hand was good at it but he saw nervousness on Haajar's face and he wanted that to go so he was telling her to make Rotis and that he would help her. Haajar didn't want to do that but she could not protest and said yes. But just before they were about to start, someone rang the doorbell. Haajar quickly wiped her hand with the hand towel in the kitchen and ran to open the door. It was eight fifteen and everyone was expecting Zyva. So when Haajar opened the door she exclaimed,"Chef Haajar welcomes you home!"

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