Chapter 10.

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"What is it?" Sufyaan asker, his eyebrows raised up.

After Zyva told Sufyaan she wanted to tell him something, He asked her what it was but then she realised that Kehara and her family was still there, so Zyva told him that she would tell him later. Sufyaan sensed something was wrong so when Zyva came to the Kitchen to drink water, Sufyaan followed her.

"Ok. Do not speak in between. Let me finish it, ok?" Sufyaan shook his head slowly. Zyva nodded her head as well before saying,"in few months it would be our 6th anniversary. We have tried for few months and still it's not working. It's been a long time and I guess we both want kids now. So I went to the doctor and she told me to do some tests. She also told you to do some tests. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the doctor. I was not planning to go but when I woke up today I was feeling really very bad and emotional for some reason. I didn't even know I would see a doctor till the time I was in the car. Sorry."

Sufyaan waited for a minute to absorb all the information in him. Zyva was so fast that he only heard her but didn't understand what she said. Once he got everything he asked,"what are you sorry about?"

"I don't know. I was just scared. I'm thinking maybe something is wrong in me. I know you want kids and it's just that I'm. "

"Shhh. Enough of talking now."

"Ok." Zyva said nodding her head repeatedly.

Sufyaan hugged her to calm her down. Zyva closed her eyes, scared of everything around her.

"When are we doing it?" Sufyaan asked after a second.

"Doing what?"


"Whenever you want."

"Then let's do it when you are free."


"Do not worry so much Zyva. There is nothing wrong and even if there is, then it's ok. It's Allah's decision so let's trust him."


"You don't look good like this. So stop worrying and look good."

"I'm scared. Really scared."

"There is nothing to be scared Zyva. Everything is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"shat pratishat."

Zyva looked up at her husband and made a face. That made Sufyaan smile. "Is this the time to use your favourite dialogue?"

"There is no wrong time to use it."

Zyva shook her head making Sufyaan smile again. He then kissed her forehead before saying,"you are thinking too much. Give some rest to your brain."

"I really want to do that. I don't understand why my brain is doing this."

"It's ok."

"Everything will be fine, right?"

"It would be. Trust me."

Zyva took a deep breath while shaking her head,"I will trust you."


"Ho ka? Mala mahit navta."

Zyva narrowed her eyes,"English please."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I will check with other caterers. Maybe we can find a way out."

"Ok. I will check with decorators."

"Cool." Zyva said before turning her attention towards her laptop

Shrutika smiled before she started going through a file. It had been a very busy week for them and with Zyva gone for one full day for her tests and Shrutika not being able to  come day before yesterday because her husband was sick, just added on more to their pending work."

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