chapter 14.

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It's not edited properly so ignore mistakes!


"Really?" Kehara asked before lifting Amal up from the bed.

"Yeah. Sufyaan said she is taking some desi medicine or something of that kind."

"Is that safe?"

"She said it's totally natural and harmless. I don't know much about it. Even he didn't know."

"Oh. I will talk to her and see if she is taking a right thing or not."


"You know I feel guilty for reacting like an idiot." Kehara said before sitting on the bed and keeping Amal on her laps, who was sleeping peacefully.

"You always do that. Which incident are you talking about?" Aman joked, trying not to laugh.

Kehara narrowed her eyes at him,"You were better before we got married."

Aman smiled before asking,"what were you saying?"

"You know how I reacted when I didn't get pregnant for 2 years."

Aman frowned,"how did you react?"

Kehara raised her eyebrows,"you are so self-involved!"

"I really don't remember."

"How can you not remember I was to...." Kehara stopped when she realised something. She pressed her lips together and looked away.

Aman realised something happened so he narrowed his eyes this time before asking,"what is it?"


"Kehara what is it?"

"I didn't tell you about my insecurities."

Aman frowned. He waited for few seconds before asking,"How did you react?"

"I was freaked out! But now I feel guilty for being so silly. Zyva got a real situation and I was just."

"Yeah you overreact a lot."

Kehara narrowed her eyes again making Aman smile again. He sat next to Kehara before smiling again,"you are still upset about the whole thing?"

"How can I not be upset? We are talking about my brother here. I mean we are talking about both Zyva and my brother but you know what I'm trying to say, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"I always thought he would make a great father and he is so good with our kids. It's just so frustrating."

"I can understand. I was upset too but Sufyaan made me feel different. He is surprisingly so positive about it."

"He is positive about it but he is upset. Really upset."

"I know but he is not showing that."

"Because he doesn't want Zyva to think it's a big deal. My brother is a perfect husband." Aman raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything because he knew it was not the time to fight for the title of best husband. "I feel guilty to have kids you know." Kehara said before closing her eyes for a seconds.

"You don't have to. It's not your fault."

"I know. But it's not fair. He deserves kids more than I do."

"You are being harsh on yourself for no good reason just like Zyva."

"You think she is being harsh?"

"I think so. I mean I think maybe she is overreacting."

"No! She is just worried! It's too early for her to be stable. She will be fine soon."

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