Chapter 16.

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For those who forgot, Hadee and Qailah are siblings and they are Zyva and Sufyaan's common Cousins.

Being more specific Hadee and Qailah's father is Sufyaan's maternal uncle and their mom is Zyva's paternal aunt.

I hope it's not confusing.


"Daddy you wanted to talk to me?" Sufyaan said, coming in his father's room.

"Yeah. Come sit."

Sufyaan sat on the bed, next to his father before looking at him. "What is it?"

"I want to talk about your situation."

"What situation?"

"About you having difficulty is having a kid."

Sufyaan nodded his head,"ok."

"Look. I know you know this but I will still repeat. Reminder is never harmful."


"It's not Zyva's fault. You know that right?"

Sufyaan nodded his head,"I know."

"You should never punish someone if they are not at fault. Always remember that."

"I will."

"I know you will!"

Sufyaan smiled at his father's confidence. Khurshid smiled back before he continued talking.  " If Allah has written kids for you then nothing can change it. Nothing! But if he has not written then whatever you and Zyva do you will never have kids. So don't be harsh on yourself or on her because of this. It's not in your hand." Sufyaan nodded his head, indicating that he understood what his father meant. " You should trust Allah but you should also tie your camel. You should definitely try and do whatever is in your power.  But don't over do it. Don't torture yourself or Zyva." Sufyaan was about to say something when Khurshid stopped him. "I know you won't but I'm just saying." Sufyaan made a face and looked down at his fingers. "Also." Sufyaan looked up at his father with an eyebrow raised. "Don't allow Zyva to torture herself. Understand her situation. She is feeling guilty. She thinks it's her fault. Maybe there are people who are actually telling her that."

"Which people?" Sufyaan asked frowning.

"Many people. Maybe our family or maybe her own family. They might be either taunting her or maybe they are pressuring her to do something because it her fault.  Maybe they keep reminding her that."

"What nonsense.  It's between me and her. Why will other people interfere in that?"

"I said maybe. I'm not sure. But that's how humans react. Actually that's how Desis react."

"That doesn't make sense. Why are they interested. "

"That's how it cannot stop them."

"I can stop Zyva from talking to them."

"Don't be silly. You cannot stop her from talking to everyone, especially her family, if they are doing it "

"They are causing her stress. Unnecessary stress."

"Do you know the meaning of maybe?" Sufyaan made a face again before looking away. " You need to be calm Sufyaan."

"I'm calm!"

"I can see that."

"Daddy you don't know how hard it is for me to stay calm. I'm losing my mind here but I'm extremely calm in front of Zyva."

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