Chapter 6.

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"Why are we here?" Amal asked, who was looking at Sufyaan with wide eyes.

Sufyaan smiled,"we are here to meet my friend."

"In restaurant? I never meet my friend in a restaurant. "

Sufyaan smiled again,"My friend is very rich."

"Rich? Royal?"

Sufyaan smiled widely, "not royal."


"Salam. "

Sufyaan was about to answer Amal but that Salam caught his attention and he looked up. He saw Raiyan standing with a file in his hand and a smile on his face. He smiled as well before standing up. then extended his hand,"Walekum assalam. How are you Raiyan?"

"Good. How are you?"

"Good as always. Please sit."

"Oh who is this cutie? Your daughter?" Raiyan asked while sitting.

"No. She is Amal. My niece. "

"Oh! MashaAllah. Last time I saw her she was just a year old I guess."

"Yeah I guess. What will you take?"


Sufyaan frowned to that reply. He was not close enough to him to force him to take something, so he decided to let him be."ok. So what is it?"

"First of all I'm really sorry for calling you suddenly. I was really hoping I had Afzal's number but I found your number."

"No problem."

"I'm really embarrassed. I don't know how to say it."

"Don't think so much Raiyan. Just say it."

"Ok. I'm sorry for being shameless but I need a job. I'm not asking you to give me job just because we know each other. Take my interview, make sure I'm good for the position and then give me the job. Any job will go." Raiyan smiled, "As long as I get some money I'm fine with anything."

Sufyaan was frowning all the time, confused as to what was happening. The last time he met Raiyan he was the heir of one of the most famous companies in their state.

" You need a job? Your father has a big business in Arizona. "

"He had. My father is no more."

Sufyaan eyes widened a little," I'm so sorry. How did that happen?"

"He was sick for years. My father could not bear what my brother did to Noor. He always thought he raised us well but when he did that to Noor my father was shattered and then my brother got married to his girlfriend and left us. After that my father never gained his health back. He died a year ago."

"That's really sad. I'm so sorry."

Raiyan smiled,"my brother took our business. We have nothing left except for the house we used to live. I could not complete my degree because my father was sick and I had to work but now without a degree I'm not able to find a good job. But I have a good knowledge about business. You can trust me. I also brought my resume for you" Raiyan extended the file in his hand towards Sufyaan. Sufyaan took it but never removed his eyes from Raiyan's face. "You can test me as much as you want. I'm ready to do anything."

"I will talk to my partners and let you know."

"Thank you so much."

Sufyaan smiled,"no problem, but I have one question."

"Yes, please ask."

"How did you find my number? "

"When we met last time you gave me your card. I had lost it but last week while cleaning my room I found your card. I was coming here for some work so I thought I should talk to you. Sorry."

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