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Those who forgot, Daniyal is Noor's son and Fadi is Afzal's.


One year, three months, five days later......

"Here you go sir." Receptionist said, extending her hands towards Sufyaan.

Sufyaan smiled before taking the envelope from her. He started walking when his eyes fell on a man who was walking back and forth,nervously. Sufyaan smiled as he continued walking. He had been to the hospital many times in his life but he never noticed nervous men walking around until few months ago. Now, whenever he is in the hospital he cannot help but notice them and smile.

Sufyaan pulled out his phone from his pocket as it vibrated. He unlocked his phone, to check who messaged. But as he was about to start reading the message he received, he bumped into someone and his phone fell down. He looked up and saw it was the same guy who was walking back and forth. 

"I'm so sorry. " he said, before he bend down to pick up the phone.

"It's ok." Sufyaan said, who was about to bend down but that man stood up, with Sufyaan's phone in his hand.

"I'm so sorry." He said, again, before extending his hand towards Sufyaan.

Sufyaan smiled,"it's ok. I understand."

"I'm actually a father to be. My wife is in labour so I'm just very nervous and scared."

"I have been there. So I understand."

That man smiled,"really? How many kids do you have?"


That man frowned,"I don't understand."

Sufyaan smiled again,"why don't you take a walk with me? You might feel better."

"You think?"

Sufyaan nodded his head,"yes. When I was in the same situation I took a walk and talked to my friend and that made me feel better."

"Ok." He said, not sure if he should follow Sufyaan or not but he Still started walking with Sufyaan.

"You look Desi. Where are you from?" Sufyaan asked.

"Sri Lanka. Where are you from?"


"Oh." He said, smiling.

"So I was saying, it's ok to be nervous but don't get all negative and don't doubt yourself. You will be a really good father."

"I'm not sure about that. I'm kind of irresponsible."

"You think like that because you want the best for your kid but don't doubt yourself. I'm sure you will be a really good father."

He smiled,"thank you."

"By the way, why are you not with your wife?"

He smiled, awkwardly,"Ah. Well actually my wife kicked me out, saying I'm not helping her."

Sufyaan started laughing,"My wife was surprisingly very calm that day. But that made me more nervous."

They both laughed, as they started to climb down the stairs.

"What did you do then?" That man asked, after a second.

"Nothing. I tried not to freak out."

"That's hard to do."

"I know."Sufyaan smiled again. Sufyaan's smile confused him. He kept thinking of what Sufyaan said earlier. "But when you hold the baby in your hand.."

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