Chapter 7.

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Sorry for being late and sorry for the small Chapter!


Sufyaan closed the main door of his house and started walking towards his room. He had a meeting in the afternoon with a client in a restaurant. It was almost five when he was done with it so instead of going back to office he came home. He knew he would be the first one to be home and he was looking forward to a quiet and calm evening.

While walking towards the stairs his eyes fell on Haajar who was sitting on a couch  in the living room. He raised his eyebrows when he remembered Haajar was staying with them from past three days. She was reading reader's digest and had a very serious expression on her face. He decided to let her be alone for a while and when to his room.

After twenty minutes he came out of his room and went to the living room. Haajar was still reading reader's digest. Sufyaan smiled before sitting on the chair.

"What are you reading?"

Haajar finally came out of her world and looked up. "Salam! When did you come?"

"A while ago. You were busy reading then."

"I was reading an article about a men who suffered in World War II. It was such a bad time. I read around 3 stories in two days. I don't understand how can people be so cruel!"

"That really was the worst phase in human history."

"I cannot imagine how people survived.  I always think what will I do if something like that happens now. Should I hope to survive or should I hope to die?"

Sufyaan nodded his head,"that's a question we can never find an answer for unless we experience it."

"I just hope something like that never happens again. After reading so many stories I'm so scared. Even now as I talk about it my heart is beating faster."

"Something like that would not happen now. Humans don't have that thinking now. Humans no more desire to rule the whole world by becoming a dictator or my killing people."

"I think Humans are the most unpredictable creatures so I don't agree with that. Anything can happen anytime."

Sufyaan slowly nodded his head,"I kind of agree with that."

"Ah. Now let's talk about something good and less scary." Haajar tried to change the topic.

"When are your parents coming back from India? "

"I don't know. Next month or maybe a month after that."

"Why did they suddenly go?"

"Uncle has some property there and there are some issues so he went to sort things. He took Ma so that she could meet his Ma. She still doesn't like her much so uncle wants them to spend some time so they can like each other. "

Sufyaan was observing Haajar's every moment. He heard what she said but didn't say anything. After waiting for almost a minute he asked," you still call Rahemat chachu as uncle?"

Haajar smiled," yeah. I was not sure if I wanted to call him dad or Abba in the starting and now I think it's awkward to start saying that."

"It won't be awkward. He would feel good. "

"I know but I don't feel like calling him that."

"You did not accept him as your father?"

"I don't know about that. I mean I really respect him, I like to see him with my mom, he does a lot for me and I definitely love him but somewhere when I think of father I can only see my father's face in my mind."

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