Chapter 17.

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I'm too tired to edit! So please feel free to point out the mistakes!

Sorry for being late!



"What the hell do you think of yourself?"

Sufyaan frowned deeper,"who are you?"

"Sufyaan. Zyva's Cousin."

Sufyaan raised his eyebrows,"What do you want?"

"Thank you."


"How dare you treat Zyva like that!?"

"How dare you call me!? And who are you to ask me how I treat my wife!? I treat her like a queen or like a maid it should not affect you!"

"And my uncle trusted you more than me."

"I will ask you last time. What do you WANT!?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you and also I wanted to advice you. Go ahead and divorce Zyva. I'm ready you marry her."


"Don't you dare say a word to me! A beggar like you don't have a status to talk to me like that. Don't forget your limits."

Sufyaan threw his phone as far away as he could and soon the phone dropped on the floor.  He closed his eyes, trying really hard to control his anger. But that didn't work because in less than a minute he was walking out, really fast.

"Sufyaan!" Aman called, but Sufyaan walked out, because he actually didn't hear it, although Aman was really loud and everyone in his office turned to see him

"What happened to him?" Aman asked to himself.

"He was talking to someone." Afzal said, coming out of Sufyaan's room.

"Who someone?"

"I don't know. But he was really angry and even threw his phone on the floor."


"Let's see if his phone is still working or not." Afzal said, before walking in Sufyaan's cabin again.

"Why were you in his room?"

"I went there to ask him, what he will have for lunch but he was too angry to even notice me."

"What made him so angry?"

"Let's see." Afzal said before picking up Sufyaan's phone whose screen was totally broken.

"Oh God!" Aman exclaimed.

"This is how angry he was "

"Is it working?"

"I guess. We can see his call log. He didn't even lock his phone before throwing."

"Who would think about the screen lock when they are angry?"

"Got a point. It's an unknown number who called him last."

"It's an Indian number." Aman identified.

"Really?" Afzal paused for a second to frown before saying," Then that must someone he knows. Who the hell was he?" Afzal said before he called that number again.


"We should check what happened. Look how angry he was." Afzal pointed at the screen.

"It's still his personal matter. We can ask him. Why are you spying on him?"

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