chapter 15.

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Biggggggg chapter but not edited properly! So please adjust!


"What did you do then?" Sufyaan asked before taking few bhakarwadis in his hand.

"They got punished." Aman said,who was working on his laptop.

"What is the punishment? And where did you get this bhakarwadi from?"

"Nani sent. She sent one parcel for you too. I'm sure even you got it."

"Parcel? I didn't get any parcel."

"I gave it to Zyva last week."

"Really? She didn't tell me."

"Ask her today."

Sufyaan nodded his head,"I will. Now tell me what is the punishment you gave to the twins?"

"They cannot go to drawing class, to the park or anyone's house especially your house unless we go with them. Only school and then home. No where else."

"Ok. How long will this punishment last?"

"One month for Keyaan and one year for Amal."

"One year!? She won't come to my house for one whole year?"

Kehara nodded her head,"She needs to know what she is doing is wrong."

"Yeah but one year?"

"I think it's fair. She will see others having fun and realise that she made a mistake."

"I think it's harsh." Aman said while typing something on his laptop.

"I think that too." Sufyaan said looking at Kehara.

"She should learn how to behave."

"Fine. I agree. But one whole year?"

"I might change it later but for now it's one year. If she starts to act like a good person before that, then I will allow her to do whatever she wants."

Sufyaan shook his head,"I guess that is fair."

"They both are giving me a headache these days! They are not talking to each other! It's been three days."

"That's not that big issue. You should meet Zyva to know what headache means."

"You are being mean. She is not that bad and hey, my kids give me tough time!"

"Zyva is giving me tough time too!"

"But your reaction is silly!"

"Oh really! You are the one talking? Did you see how you reacted?"

"It's about their manners! I have to be strict."

"It's about her health! I have to be strict!  But no! You don't want me to talk to her!"

"You are overreacting."

"You are overreacting!"

Aman finally looked up with a frown. "What is happening?"

"My sister thinks she is the only one who got problems but in reality she got nothing!"

"Seriously? My kids! We are talking about them! That's an important issue!"

"As if my issue is not important!"

"Ok stop now." Aman kept his laptop aside. "You both are overreacting."

"NO!" They both said together.

Aman shook his head,"Ok you two. Stop!" Aman paused for a second before saying," You both have problems. And both of them are important. Different but important. You both are stressed about your problems that's why you both are letting it out on each other." Aman looked at them for few seconds before saying,"You both are already going through difficult things so don't make things difficult for each other."

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