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well that was awkward .................

When we walked out of Jungkook's house. I felt weird but I was going to let that bother me. I am going to have fun with my best friend today. Now we are walking on the sidewalk.

y/n- so where are we going to go today?

b- where do you want to go?

y/n- you were the one that wanted to go somewhere. You know you should've planned this before you picked me up.

b- Whatever. lets go to the little restaurant around this corner.

y/n- okay gaja (let's go)

We got to the restaurant and we went inside. We ended up sitting at the right corner of the restaurant. After a few minutes the waitress came over and gave us the menu. we started to talk about random things.

b- so what is really going on with you and Jungkook?

y/n- I honestly don't know.

b- oh. come on. he said that you guys said I love you to each other.

y/n- yes we did but- you never mind today is a y/n and baekhyun day.

b- fine.

After the waitress came back asked for our order. Baekhyun and I both got pancakes and hot chocolate. A while later we finished our breakfast. Baekhyun payed because I forgot to bring money with me. Baekhyun then said he is going to take me to the mall. So we went to the mall and he told me to get a dress.

y/n- Baekhyun I won't let you pay for it.

b- Well to bad because I am.

y/n- fine but I will pay you back.

b- you already are paying me back by hanging out with me today.

y/n- what is tis dress for anyway?

b- there is a party tomorrow and you are going to be my date.

y/n- I guess.

We took so many hours just to find one dress. It was a really nice red dress. and before we knew it, it was already 9 at night. Baekhyun was going to take me to my house but I told him to take me to Jungkook's house. At first Baekhyun didn't want to but I did agyeo so he took me to his house. He dropped me off and I told him to leave before Jungkook saw him.

After he left I started walking to the front door. I knocked on the door. The door opened but it wasn't Jungkook, it was Jenny. I was shocked!!!! Jenny was wearing a tank top and one of her straps was down and her lipstick was messed up. I couldn't think straight so many thoughts came to my head. I just slowly started walking backwards and before I knew it I was running all the way to Baekhyun's house. I knocked on his door and he opened it without a shirt. and omg. His abs are amazing. Wait hold up. This is not what I came here for. I quickly turned around to not see him. Baekhyun invited me in but I kept my eyes closed so he helped me go inside his house. After he took me in his house he said I could open my eyes but after I opened my eyes for a second and I saw he was still without a shirt and closed my eyes again. He noticed so he went to put on a shirt and came downstairs.

B- Why are you here?

y/n- I forgot that told you today is Baekhyun and y/n day.

b- so that means literally all day?

y/n- yes! So I am going to sleep here.

b- okay but where??

y/n- oh come on. there is a couch for a reason.

Jungkook or Baekhyun? +18Where stories live. Discover now