Chapter 5 , Long Nights , Early Mornings?

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Ariana POV

     I decided not to go to school today. I just wanted to stay home and chill.  Also my mom wanted me to help her pack some suit cases for Sunday. I woke up to the sound of snoring.  I looked at my phone and Dallas and I were still Talking "OMG he's loud" I whispered.  I sat my phone on the nightstand without hanging up. I put it on speaker phone and rolled out of bed and slid on my house shoes. I went and brushed my teeth then I heard pots rumbling in the kitchen. Mom must be cooking breakfast I thought smiling. I wiped my face and stared at my braces. they Were blue and purple.

     I heard "Ma ,?" and ran back to my phone. He said it again. "Hello?" I said taking it off speaker. "Good Morning" he said yawning.  "Good Morning , how did you sleep" I said playing in my hair. "I slept alright , but I'm Boutta shower and head out. I'll be busy all day , so I'll just see you tomorrow" he said. "Ok , Dallas" I said hanging up.

     Walking into the kitchen I seen my mom in her robe. "Good Morning Princess" she said squeezing my cheeks like I was five. "Mommmm" I whined moving her hands. "I'm sixteen,  please stop doing that" I said. "You're still my baby , so I'll always do that" she said winking. "Breakfast will be done in about 15  minutes , so go clean the living room & wipe down my stands."  she added. I got up and started cleaning the living room. It took nothing but some vacuuming,  table washing and wiping down walls.

      I washed my hands and took a seat at our Countertop. "Say your Grace" my mom said passing me my plate. It was Waffles , Bacon , Eggs and Grits. I said my Grace and began eating. "Who's taking you tonight?" my mom asked. Not this  early I thought.  "Brian" I said with a mouth full of bacon. "How old is he?" my mom said. "16 , and to answer your next Question.  I don't like him , and I can't lie and say he's a friend cause he's not" I said at a fast pace. "Ariana , slow down. What's that suppose to mean?"  she said. "I used to like him last year but we never talked. Then this year he just asked me on a date. witha side of Hickie" I said laughing "That's ridiculous. It makes no sense" she said thinking.

     The rest of the morning we just talked about alot of random things. I helped her pack like three suit cases. One was just full of shoes , which I found awesome.  I loved my mom's personality and choice of style.  It was already 5 and school had ended hours ago. I decided to hop in the shower and get dressed.  My shower was long. Mainly because I had like a full halftime performance doing a mix of artists from Drake , Beyonce , Lil Wayne , August Alsina and even Rihanna. I got out and looked in my closet for clothes. I chose this Black Chanel Jumpsuit with my Black and silver Loubiton's (redbottom) Gym shoes.  I put my hair in some curls and threw on some lip gloss. I sat down and it was 7:13pm. I did not have time for Brian to show up and me not be ready. Just then my phone rang "Wassup attitude" he said threw the phone.  "Hey Brian" I said laughing "I hope you at home , cause I'm outside" he sid smiling. "I'll be out in a few" I said hanging up. I told my mom bye and grabbed my phone and keys and left out.

      Brian stood there in front of his Porsche and smiled.  "Wassup , Like the outfit" he said pulling me into a hug and lifting me off my feet. He was 6'3 so was tall to me. "Thanks" I said barely able to move. We got in the car and pulled off. "Where we going?" I asked. "Dinner" he said. We pulled up to this Italian restaurant that looked nice. I wasn't dressed for the occasion.  He got out and took my hand and we walked in the restaurant.  "Would you like a table?" the man asked. "No , carpet for two please." He said sarcastically.  I busted out laughing. "Come follow me" a lady said chiming in.  She sat at us at a table near the middle of the restaurant.  "What would you like to drink?" the waitress said. "I'll have a Sprite , she can just have a pink lemonade" he said looking at me. "OK I'll be back to take your orders" she said then walked away. 

     "Why you ain't come to school today?" He said looking at me across the table. "Oh you noticed" I said laughing. He bit his lips and kept staring , starting to make me feel uncomfortable.  "I always notice" he said winking. He grabbed my thigh under the table and I jumped.  "Stop" I said half jokingly & half serious.  "What ma? you look nice with this jogging suit thing on" he said still biting his lip. The waitress came back and took our orders. I ordered a Shrimp Alfredo and he ordered Butter Parmesan Broccoli Zucchini. 

     We ate and just talked about life. He kept his hand on my thigh making me question this date . I kept everything bottled up and just thought maybe I should get to know him Better. "Are you a virgin" he asked smiling. "Why does that matter" I said annoyed. "Just wanted to know , lets go I Got to get you home its 10." he said standing up and sitting 70 dollars on the table.

      The ride home was Awkward.  I kept quiet mainly because I Just didn't feel like talking. I just wanted to think. I quickly jumped out of my mind when I realized we were in front of my house. Brian leaned over and smashed his lips into mine. I pulled away. "I want you" he whispered starting to grab my thighs. I realized where this was going and told him to stop. I didn't like him that way. He stopped thank God and I got out the car and walked into the house it was only 10:30.

     I ran to my room and called Taylor. "OMG he's not my type" I yelled through the phone.  "Bro why not? What happened?" she said anxiously.  "He kept touching me and he asked was I a virgin and we just met.  He was gone try sex I know it but I stopped just in time" I said angrily. "Whaaaat? I mean he's a boy. whay You expect? A Dude gone be a dude." she said . "I expexct dudes to meet my standards not act like sex addicts.  And That's true but You not gone be mines out here acting like the rest of these foolish dudes" I said seriously.  "I get you , but he's not that bad girl" she said sighing.  Just then my phone began to beep in my ear. It was an incoming call from Dallas.  "I'll talk to you later man" I said really annoyed by what she was talking bout. She clearly didn't comprehend what I was saying. "Hello?" I said answering the phone. "I called to tell you good Night ma." Dallas said. "Alright Good Night bye" I said hanging up. I fell asleep thinking bout Brian. I was starting to get disgusted thinking about him. I'm glad he stopped when I told him to or I would hacer had to pepper spray his eyes till he was half blind.  I was tired so I just took off my clothes then brushed my teeth and layed down. My mom was already sleep. She usually went to sleep early anyways.


   My phone was ringing And I was wondering who was calling me this late. It was an unknown number so I declined it. I threw my phone under my pillow and dosed back off. The number kept calling and I finally answered then someone just breathed into the found.  "How childish" I said as I hung up. I cut my volume off and fell asleep.


    I woke up at noon. And stayed under the covers.  I didn't really feel good this morning. And I was seeing Dallas today how perfect. I grabbed my phone an had 6 new messages, some Instagram notifications and 2 missed calls. One from the unknown number and one from Taylor. She called me at about 9am. I didn't feel like talking to her so I ain't call back. it was some messages from classmates. one from my cousin Alexis and two from Dallas.  I texted Alexis back then looked at Dallas messages. One said Call me and the other said Are you Awake? . I sat my phone back down and layed there. I had a stomach ache and my head was hurting. I decided to tell me mom and she gave me some Advil and told me to lay down. I sat a trashcan next to me knowing I would soon throw up. And surely I did. It felt so gross.  I fell asleep and dozed off. I woke back Up around 2:30 with missed calls from Dallas.  I called him back "Hello what's up" I said tired. "You ignoring me now?" he said laughing.  "Nah , I just don't feel good right now. been throwing up." I said. "Aww ma , well is there anything I could get you. I'm at the store right now for my dad" he aske concerned. "Apple Juice , and some chicken noodle soup , please" I said coughing.  "Alright , ma. I'll be there in a couple minutes" he said. "Where you live?" he asked. I gave him my adress and hung up. 

     My phone Rang and Brian name flashed across the screen.  I thought about wether I should answer it or not?





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