Chapter 6 , Unbelievable

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    Ariana POV

I Scrolled threw instagram then I saw a picture. One I was so suprised to see. Why are they kissing? I asked myself. This was like betrayal.  But wait she wanted me to date him why though? And she knew I followed her on Instagram.  Of All people why Taylor? And she was kissing Brian. This is why loyalty means nothing to me , how could my Bestfriend for so long do something like this to me? Her presence is now Irrelevant. The picture was taken at a house and they were on a couch.

Taylor POV

     I sat there at Brian's house.  We'd been seeing eachother for months now. I was glad he ain't start something else with my girl. How would I tell her me and him were just a fling? We never slept together but spent alot of time kissing.  Especially at school during lunch breaks. We even kissed the day he kissed Ariana. I felt so bad for even getting her caught between us. I mean I just font want her seeing somebody who was 19. I was rushed out of my thoughts by Brian coming downstairs with no shirt on and some shorts. "Put a shirt on , you have company" I teased. "You're not company , you're here all the time" he said sitting beside me. "How'd y'all date go" I said rolling my eyes. "Horrible , she was touching on me and tring to come on to me" he said. "Are you serious?  Seems so out of her character" I said confused.  "Yeah but I don't want nobody but youuuu" he said trying to sing. I laughed and he started his magic.  he tongue kissed me and I could feel his fingers trailing over my body. The kiss was so aggressive , yet passionate.  it lasted for about 3 minutes then he let go. "let's go upstairs , baby" he said pulling my arms. We went to his room and he went back to exactly what he was doing. He trailed kisses down my neck and began to take my blouse off . He than unhooked my bra taking my chest into his mouth.  he played with the other with his fingers. A loud moan escaped my lips causing him to laugh. He then trailed the kisses down my stomach and stopped at my shorts. he looked up at me . I was completely in shock. He slid my shorts down and I was left with nothing but my Underwear. he undid his shorts. I seen this buldge in his briefs. it was huge. He went back down and I gasped in shock. His head game was vicious.  "OMG" I screamed "Yesssss" was all I could say. Moan after moan and he didnt stop. He came up and kissed me. This was my first time having sex. I have had head before though , and his was the best. He came back up  and Slid his briefs down. "Hold up" I said becoming scared. "It's ok I'll be slow" he said pulling my waist to the end of the bed. First he slid in and I jumped. "There is no way this will work" I said. "It will , wait baby" he said slifing in again. "Oooooh that hurts" I screamed.  he slid in a couple more times and I adjusted. it started off nice and slow eith him sending thrusts through my body. "Ugh" I yelled not being able to feel my legs. He stared me in the eyes and went in harder reaching the perfect spot causing liquids to come from my body. "You're coming" he smiled and slowed down. He leant down and kissed my lips. "How you feel?" He asked still going. "Great" I said wrapping my legs around his waist tighter. "Omg You're so tight" he said throwing his head back. "I'm coming he said pulling out.  "You didn't use a condom?" I said annoyed.  " I forgot , I was so into the moment baby". "You can't be serious,  Im glad you pulled out" I said wrapping his covers around me.

Ariana POV

    It was almost 10 and I looked a hot mess. I felt kind of better though so I decided to hit up Alissa to let her know about everything. "Hello?" she said answering the phone. "Hey Lis. What you doing?" I said. "Girl. nothing about to go bowling with Dallas and them. He said you were sick , I was just bout to call you." she said with voices in her background.  "Girl yeah , that was earlier.  I feel better though after that nap. I want to go" I said whining.  "Be ready in 20" she said laughing to something somebody had said. "Alright".

     I ran to my mom room. "Mom can I please go Bowling" I said begging.  "What time is it Ariana?" she asked ."its a little past 10" I said putting my head down. "You have until 1am" she said sternly.  "Thank you" I said kissing her cheeks. "Go , time is ticking" she said. "Don't you leave tomorrow?" I said remembering she was going to Nigeria. "Yes tomorrow at 10am" she said. "Okay see ya later" I said leaving her room. "NO LATER THAN ONE" she yelled at me. I ran in my room and brushed my teeth (I have a personal bathroom). I looked in my dresser and got my underclothes. I ran in the bathroom quickly showering and putting them in. I threw on some Vaseline seeing it was  night and I need to not be ashy during the night. I threw on my Red crop top with my white high waist paints. I put on some red sparkly toms and  straightened my edges . I put some edge control on but kept the messy bun look. My phone rang. "I'm outside" Alissa said. "Alright coming out" I grabbed $50 from my wallet and put it in my pants. I grabbed my phone & keys and yelled to my mom "Im leavingggg". "Ok princess" she yelled back.

     I locked the door and got into the back seat of Alissa truck. "Hey" everybody said. "Wassup" I said back. her truck was packed. "Dallas and his friends are meeting us up there" she said starting the car. "Turn to some August Alsina" Alissa friend said. I'd never seen the girl before. We listened to about 4 of august songs and arrived to the bowling Alley. it was huge. Everybody got out and Alissa locked the doors.

     "2 Bowling lanes please" Alissa said to the woman at the counter. "That'll be $40. Is there anybody else joining your bowling party?" she asked. "Yeah just a couple more." Alissa said handing the lady the money.  "Lane 42 and 43" she said. We walked to the lane and sat down. "Y'all Wanna start without them?" Tiana said. "Nah , they'll be here in a minute" Alissa said. "Ariana come here" she said signaling me her way.

    "Wassup?" I said sliding my phone in my pocket. "Who's Taylor new boo?" she said. Clearly she saw the picture too. "His name is Brian. He was just chilling with me yesterday. And now they together?  She even convinced me to go on the date" I said annoyed. "Who we killing first?  her or him?" she said feeling my rage. Just then I felt arms wrap around my waist. "See ya feeling better" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah" I said turning around and smiling. He leant in for a kiss and I pecked his lips.  "That's all I get?" he said frowning.  "We're in public.That's awkward" I said releasing him. "Hey gorgeous" this boy said walking up to me. "Hey" I said lowly. "Aye Ma, this Vontae , Tyler but he prefers Ty , Chris and Jaylen. "Hey" I said politely.  They all apoke and we started the game of bowling.  It was boys against Girls. "Tiana keep playing and I'm gone land a strike" Chris said grabbing the 14lb ball. He was tall so I guess he could handle it. Tiana kept playing and saying stupid stuff when it was his turn to strike. "Lil mama what's your name?" Chris said standing in front of me. "Stop talking to her that's D girl" Jaylen quickly said. Dallas turned around. "I'm just asking her name " Chris said looking at Tiana. "It's Ariana" I said laughing.  "Cool name , how you know Dallas? he said looking at me. "we know eachother through Alissa" I said. "You look young , how old are you?" he said eyeing me. "16 , and you are?"  I said looking at the Game. "17 , I'm Dallas lil brother" he said. "for real? he never told me he had sibilings" I said amazed. "Your turn Ariana" Alissa yelled my way.  "Okay". I got up and missed. Only hitting 2 pins on the second time. The night was fun. "Ma , let me talk to you" Dallas said pulling me by my waist to a wall near the bar."Whaaat" I whined. He leant down and engulfed my lips. Our tongues touched and his hands went down cupping my butt. He sent chills through my body. "That's all I Wanted" he said walking away from me.

     It was almost 1 and I needed to be home. "I got to go , I have a curfew" I said  to Alissa. "I gotchu , i'll take you home." Dallas said pulling his keys out his pocket. "Thanks ugly" I said wrapping my arms around his waist. it was already 12:30  and I was lucky to be out this late. "Come on y'all." he said to his friends. "Why?" they said in almost unison.  "Man , do y'all have a car? Exactly so let's go." he said walking out. "Always doing that" Jaylen said annoyed. We all got in the car and I sat in the front seat.  They were packed in the back seat I know cause Chris kept complaining that he needed leg space. "Man shut up" Vontae said. We pulled up to my house and I said bye to everyone and hopped out. Dallas got out to. "Where you going it's 1am?" I said turning around.  "To your door , to walk you to it. Duh" he said laughing. "Ohhh" I said looking dumb. "Why you ain't tell me you had a brother?" I said unlocking my door. "You never asked" Dallas said. "You got any other siblings?" I said. "Yeah an older sister. She's in texas though" he said shrugging.  "What's her name?" I said. "Dasia , you got siblings?" he asked. "No , only child" I said smiling.  "That's Wassup , what you doing tomorrow?" he asked playing with my belt loops. "Nothing , my mom is going to Nigeria for a month I think. So tomorrow im driving her to the airport then probably going to get some more shoes." I said staring at his dimples.  "Oh for real? Well I'll come check up on ya. And how you getting to school? you Cant drive by yourself." he said. "Oh Alissa mom , will pick me up every morning." I said putting my hands on his face. "What time is it? I got to get these kids home" he said talking bout his boys. "Alright , call me" I said leaning in for a kiss.  He kissed me and I waved goodbye. 






My friend Autume asked for this Chapter lol. I'm not Updating until like Wednesday or Tuesday again.

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