Chapter 10 , Continued....

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Ariana POV




    I looked at my alarm clock. It was 1:13am. Asia was sleep and Tori was on facetime with somebody. I looked at the phone and of course it was Dallas. "Hello?" I said answering Dallas phone call. "You never facetimed me ma" he said wide awake.  "I fell asleep" I said laying my head back on the pillow. "I figured well I'm outside come open the door" he said laughing. "Are you serious? I'm tired. Tori can you open the door?" I asked. "Yeah" Tori said getting up. I hung up the phone and then Dallas came in my room throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down" I screamed. He carried me to the living room then dropped me on the couch.  "I'm sleepy Dallas" I said whining.  "Okay , and? I wanted to see you" he said sitting beside me then pulling me onto his lap. "Moooove ya hands" he said laughing cause I kept my hands over my face. "I'm staying here for like 5 minutes dude , You could've seen me tomorrow" I said removing my hands. "But I wanted to see you now, I missed your face"  he said rubbing my arms. "Aww how cute" I said rubbing my hands down the front of his shirt. "Stop ma , I told you bout that frustration already.  A nigga aint had none in 2 months. I'm liable to seduce yo ass" he said laughing.  "Dallaaaaaas" I said moving from his lap. "Give me a kiss" he said grabbing my booty. I leaned down and pecked his lips and he smiled. "Alright gooooooo" I said. "See ya tomorrow ma" he said squeezing my booty again. "Oh and your ass look nice" he said and closed the door behind him.

     I went upstairs and fell back asleep.

    I woke up around 10 because Asia was complaining about being bored. She kept tapping me. I woke up and Just sat on the floor. It was Sunday so I didn't have anything planned. Tori and Asia both called their parent's and were leaving in a few. "Y'all had fun yesterday?" I asked. "You know I did girllllll" Tori said. "Yeah" Asia said. "Man you was turnt yesterday Tori" I said smiling. "I like dancing , I mean who turns down a dance" she said getting up off the bed and going into my bathroom. Just then we heard a horn beep. Tori ran to my mom room and looked out her window "That's my brother , bye y'all" she said running down the stairs. "Bye girl & lock my bottom lock on the door" I said.  I heard the door slam. Then it was just us two. "Hey we're alone" Asia said smiling at me. "It's time for you to go , where's your mom?" I said walking into my bathroom.  "She'll be here by 11" she said. "Girl who you think shot Brian?" she added. "Don't know and don't care" I said  while washing my face. "I think it was somebody he owed money too or something, you know he sell dope" she said while staring at her phone screen. " I heard that , didn't know it was true. He such an asshole. Is it bad for me to feel he deserved this?" I said starting up my shower. "Girl no , especially not after the stunt him and Taylor pulled. That hoe would've been leaving school in an ambulance that day. Matter fact since yo ass so nice , Ima beat her ass for you." she said being serious.  "Don't do that Asia" I said hopping into the shower. Ten minutes later I got out and put on my underclothes.  I threw on a Blue Love Pink sweat suit with my Gamma's. I threw my hair in a ponytail with loose hairs hanging. I came out and put on some perfume. "Where you going today?" Asia asked. "I have no idea" I said then my phone started ringing.  It was Dallas of course. "I'm boutta go drop J off at this studio then I'm gone come swoop you up l" he said. "Why he going to a---" my call was interrupted by Asia. "I'm about to go" she said waving. "K" I whispered.  "Anyways why he going to the studio?" I asked going to lock the door after Asia. "He a upcoming rapper , but I'm gone hit you up later" he said and hung up.

      I sat in the house for a minute then decided to sit on the porch for a minute. This boy named Lawrence walked up on me."Dang , I aint seen you since yo mom left" he said. Lawrence was Mrs.Bush's grandson. "Yeah I've just been chilling alot, you know" I said sliding my keys in my pocket. "Yeah grandma told me you dating a grown man" he said laughing.  "He's freaking 19 , we're three years apart. She's just old school" I said. "Yeah I don't see what the problem is as long as you guys arent sexually active" he said looking at me. "It's just everybody who is irrelevant has a problem with us" I said being annoyed. "I know, my grandma just don't want you to go through what she did. She had a child at 15 by a 19 year old man. And he failed to take care of my mom" he said shrugging.  "I'm nothing like that though. My main focus is school. Sex is far away from my needs" I said sighing. "Make sure he's with you for the right reasons too Ariana , for real. Everybody has intentions" he said. "It's different this time around, I got this" I said smiling.  "Well let me go before grandma think I then disappeared" he said leaving. I sat there and thought about what he said. Now I understood why Mrs.Bush was acting like that. Just then I saw Taylor's mom car ride up. Why is she here I thought. This bitch must really want an early funeral. "Ariana I'm here to talk" she said walking towards my porch. "What is there to talk about?" I said rudely. "Everything I feel like I really disappointed you as a friend" she said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "You disappointed me? No you betrayed , belittled , Backstabbed and Walked over me. You treated the situation like I was some random bitch in the street. you was supposed to be my sister Taylor. I've lost all respect for you." I said standing up. "It wasn't my intentions to hurt you Ariana , I'm sorry" she said almost crying.  "You look sorry.  No expectations,  then no disappointments right?" I said. It was a rhetorical question. "I'm sorry" she said. "Get off my property,  you're dismissed" I said. I was really done with Taylor. She was the fakest friend and I couldn't tolerate her stupidity anymore at all. I thought about what Asia said ang laughed. Taylor walled back down my driveway and got into the car.

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