Rant 6? (Maybe?)

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Don't you just hate it when you think everything is fine, maybe even getting a little better, that BAM you're whole life just starts crashing down. Yeah. Me too. I guess I'll start at the beginning(ish) so as the two of you who read this know, I was living with my aunt and things were going okay. Mom had a job, I was actually getting used to my surroundings, we had a potential place to stay permanently. But no. My aunt kicked us out, so we're back with my gma and while we did find a house, it's about an hour and a half drive away. I'm leaving the friends I've had since 5th grade, and even earlier. And I'm fucking devastated. I cried, like actually cried, for the first time in months. Not to fucking mention Jon is trying to get custody of me and Kyle, but then just ship me off to my other grandparents (who hate me btw) and I don't know what to do. I'm finally happy. I have friends. I'm actually enjoying most of my classes. I've got GSA and Stage Crew. But of course I have to give that up. And all because my mom just wants to drop everything and go live by her friend. Because of course her friend matters more than my life. My anxiety. My everything

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