A Letter to the Girl I Used to Be

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Dear Kaitlyn,

How do i even start this. I know youre scared right now, but trust me things get better. Life becomes a kind of rollercoaster of getting better and becomong unfathomably worse. The overall trend is positive, however. You change your name, your pronouns. You reinvent yourself in the best way possible. Youre braver, kinder, smarter. You stand up for yourself even when it seems like everyone is against you. You stand up for those who youve never even met because you know how it feels to not have anyone to do that for you. You know how much that hurts better than anyone you know. You know how unfair it is to be belittled andmocked with no way of standing up for yourself. Youre not alone anymore. You know that girl you met in Adams' class. She louder than you, more confindent, and the most amazing person youve ever met. She is about to become the thing youve been missing. A person you click with instantly. You know she'll always be there for you, and you'll always be there for her. She will get you through the worst times, she knows how to make you smile any time of day. Lean on her when youve stood for too long because you know you would do it for her. Go to her, talk to her about everyEven though as im writing this were half a state away, she is one of the best people ive ever had the pleasure of being associated with. Youre about to meet a shit ton brilliant people and they are going to become your support system. You become the thing you needed youre entire life. A dad. It may seem crazy that one nickname could change your enture dynamic, but it does. You know how it feels to not have a dad to go to and recieve unconditional support, so you become that for the people around you. You start something extrodinary and descover your passions. If I had one piece of advice or modivation for you it would be to do whatever makes you happy. Dont let anyone tell you what you can or cant do. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Youre about to go through a helluva lot of self exploration and understanding and just know the ones who matter dont give to shits who ya like or what pronouns you are comfortable with. All they care about is you being able to be to youest you you could ever dream of being. And anyone who claims to care about you, but has some sort of thingg against any aspect of you, they dont matter. Drop them like a burning-your hand off poptart, but never pick them back up bc they arent worth it. Follow your dreams and remember dftba

Full homo,

Hey, sorry, I know this isnt a rant, but this seemed too deep to go in my random book. I might add to this as life goes on. Or I might just make a part two. Who knows, not present me, probably not even future me. I guess we'll find out. But for now, ill see yall later guys, gals, and non binary pals!

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