LV. answers

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"He finished talking to Stephanie not too long ago," Corey chuckled. "So you could understand why we're all little shaken up."

The sleepiness from Virginie's eyes immediately melted away. At the mention of Stephanie's name, her eyes narrowed. "That stupid bitch." She looked at Alex as if she was seeing him for the first time. Her eyes softened as she walked towards him with her hand outstretched. "How are you feeling? You hit your head hard."

He was suddenly reminded of his lack of clothing and blushed from his embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks to you. Thanks for taking off my suit and putting me in your bed."

"Sounds kinky," Colette joked, her eyebrows curling into a playful arch.

Virginie rolled her eyes, pulling her arm away from Alex. "I'm sure that would sound kinky to your vanilla ass."

Colette folded her arms and knitted her eyebrows. "Hey, just because that one time I said―"

"Anyway, what did you all talk about? She probably said something about us having an affair." Virginie made her way towards the kitchen area to grab some of the grapes that Colette and Corey had left out. She popped one in the mouth and stared at them. "Are y'all going to explain what happened or...?"

Alex swallowed nervously before answering. "She knows about you."

Virginie's expression didn't change. She continued munching on her grapes as if she was listening to a nature documentary on Animal Planet. "Knows about me how? She always says a million things about me so what does she have to say now?"

"She knows what you're actually here for."

She coughed and looked at Alex strangely. "What? How could she have figured that out all on her own?"

"She didn't. Her father told her."

Virginie groaned. "Ugh, why? This creates so many unnecessary problems."

Alex was surprised. "You don't seem too beat up about it."

She shrugged. "I'm not. Her father is a kingpin, and she's living off of his blood money. I have plenty of things to blackmail her for. She won't bother us." She popped a couple of more grapes into her mouth. "Besides, the threat is contained for now. I should shift my focus towards Robert for the time being."

She's going to what?

"Virginie..." Colette warned, eyeing Alex's shaking form.

"What?" Virginie asked. "I have been slacking when it comes to him. Those girls aren't going to save themselves from that rigid bastard."

"So you're going to leave me just like that?" Alex shouted. "After all we've been through?"

Virginie dropped the fruit that she had been holding, realizing what Colette had been trying to warn her about. "That's not what I meant, Alex. You know that I―"

"No, Virginie, as a matter of fact, I don't know. You've been playing with my emotions ever since that moment we met in the coffee shop back in December. How do you I know that this isn't all just another game to you? That I'm not just some guy that you work for? How do I know that all the smiles, laughs, and jokes that we shared weren't a part of some contract that you have with your sick boss?"

Corey threw up his hands in frustration. Virginie stiffened at the mention of her boss. "So that's what this is about. This is about the conversation that you had with him. He fed you some lies based on his read of your insecurities, and you went along with it."

"What was I supposed to think? The man sounded so sure of himself."

Corey grabbed Colette's hand and started leading her out of the room. "Let's let these two hash this out privately. This has nothing to do with us."

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