XXXIV. fallacies

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Regardless of whether Virginie wants it or not, she's coming with me to the beach. No way am I letting that creep have a full 24 hours with her. Even though she fucked me over by leaving me alone in that club to my own devices last night, she can tell me more about what happened.

Alex heard the doorbell ring. "That's probably the butler. I'll go get it and then I'll call Virginie." He jumped off the bed and went to the door.

Samuel bowed when the door was open and handed Alex a package before saying anything. "For you, sir. A little birdie told me that you might be hungover this morning."

A little birdie? Was this Stephanie's doing as well? Alex beamed at him. "Wow, thank you so much. This is so thoughtful." He opened the lid to see various juices, coffee, and bagels. "I'm feeling a lot better but this is awesome."

"May I come in, sir?"

Alex shook his head in disbelief and laughed. "Of course you can, Samuel. You can drop that 'sir' stuff with me, just call me Alex."

Samuel stepped into the house and nodded. "Very well then...Alex." He went into the kitchen and scanned the sink and cupboards. He looked relieved at the lack of mess. "Whoever cleaned up here last night did well. Saved me some work."

"Yeah, Stephanie did a great job," Alex boasted, proud of his girlfriend for once. "She took care of me last night too."

"Sounds like you got yourself a keeper."

Stephanie snaked her arm around Alex's waist and kissed him on the cheek. "Why is it that you can only say good things about me when I'm not around?"

Alex gave her a kiss. "You know that's not true. I say nice things about you to your face all the time."

"Not to interrupt, but what are your plans for today? Part of my job is to prepare everything you need for anything that you want to do." Samuel stood ready to listen, looking professional with his notepad.

"I'd like to spend the afternoon at the beach," Alex requested. "Speaking of, let me call Virginie. I have to ask her if she wants to go as well. Stephanie, you can plan out our evening. Whatever you want to do."

Stephanie grumbled something under her breath but Alex wasn't paying attention. He grabbed his phone off the granite counter and went to the balcony of the master bedroom to make the call.

"How can I serve you, Your Highness?" Virginie answered the phone, playful and sarcastic as ever.

Alex couldn't help but laugh. "So I'm 'Your Highness' now? Big upgrade from 'princess'."

"I wouldn't say that, princess."

"Damn, is this how you start an apology? Because you're sure not being nice enough for me to forgive you."

Virginie snorted. "I didn't know alcohol made you hallucinate. What is there to apologize for?"

Alex was taken aback. Virginie had never been this rude to him before. "Did you drink so much last night that you forgot everything? I was told that you left me by myself at the club and I almost got into a bar fight because I was so drunk."

Virginie burst into peals of laughter. Alex attempted multiple times to get a word in but it sounded like she was in tears. He threw himself onto the couch and waited for her to finish laughing. When the sounds ceased, Alex asked, "Are you finished?"

Virginie coughed. "Yes, yes. I have one question though."

"What is it?"

"Are you fucking with me?"

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