XXXI. venom

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"Bye," Stephanie waved, kissing Alex goodbye. She was feeling quite sated from the sex that they had. Alex had been a little bit softer than usual and it was a nice change of pace.

But now, she had work to do.

Alex had just left for the club with Virginie and this was the perfect opportunity for her to check up on the team that had been assigned to her case. She picked up her phone from the coffee table in the living room and dialed the Players' number.

She waited until she was connected to George who answered with a sigh. "Yes, Ms. Woods?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes. He was so dramatic. She had been calling him four times a day for the past week, asking questions and checking up on the group. Even though George told her that the group would call if they had anything, Stephanie still liked to check. She wasn't paying all this money for no results. She knew that the bitch had the hots for her boyfriend; she just needed to prove it. George had to suck it up until they got some kind of evidence.

But there had been nothing. Virginie hadn't even called Alex during their time away from each other. The only time they spoke was when he asked her to come with them to Jamaica. Not even a text. Virginie made it so hard to hate her but Stephanie managed to do it anyway.

"Any updates?"

George took a deep breath. "As I have told you many times before, ma'am, if there are any updates the team will contact you directly." He paused. "If I may speak freely, Miss, perhaps this girl isn't as bad as you think she is? If you've been surveilling her for over a week and there hasn't been anything between them, doesn't that mean there's nothing to find?"

"I get to choose to call off this recona-whatever whenever I want," she growled. "I'm the one with the money here. I call the shots."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Did the team make it to Jamaica yet? Because Virginie and Alex are―"

"Going to one of the exclusive clubs included as part of your vacation package," George finished. "Yes, they have sent me an update and they will be at whatever club they end up at."

Stephanie beamed. "That's awesome. I have one more request."

George's voice brightened with interest. "What is it?"

"Is there any way that their drinks can be drugged? Not to knock them out but I want to see what happens when their inhibitions are loosened. Like something to make them drunk quicker?"

She could hear George's smile through his voice. "You really want an excuse to kill this girl, don't you?"

It was Stephanie's turn to smile. "Oh, you have no idea."


Alex watched in awe as Virginie stepped out of the villa. Her hair was pulled up in a slicked back ponytail and her makeup was simple: dark lashes and a glossy nude lip. She wore a simple black back cutout cami dress that hugged every inch of her curvy body. He tried his best not to drool. He was already drunk and he needed to control himself. If Virginie realized that he was drunk, she would chastise him all the way to the club. He thought having sex with Stephanie would've helped but it didn't. The satisfied feeling that he had earlier completely vanished. In its place was an insatiable hunger that he knew only Virginie could satisfy. But that option, alas, was out of the question. Virginie wasn't interested in him and he wasn't sure if she ever would be.

"Do I look okay?" She asked.

"You look great, stop worrying about it," he assured. There are no words to describe how amazing you look right now. "Now let's go."

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