XLIII. adjourned

56 7 1

TW: Graphic descriptions of violence

Alex was sitting on the bench outside of the courtroom, playing Fruit Ninja on his phone. Not that many people played it anymore but it was a classic. It was day three of jury deliberations and he had a good feeling that they were going to come back today with the verdict. He knew they were going to acquit, they had to. There was no way that they could convict Andreìna. The trial had gone even better than he had imagined. All of his witnesses came and his cross examinations destroyed the prosecution.

He was a bit wary that the jury was taking so long but it was good that they were going over all of the evidence carefully. The conclusion was obvious but he appreciated a jury that took their time.

He looked up, scanning the area outside the courtroom. There were very little people lingering the hallway. He could hear someone chatting on the phone so he turned his head towards the noise.

It was Virginie. He drank in the sight of her body because it wasn't often that he got to watch her like this: completely relaxed with her guard down. He didn't get many chances to gawk at her anymore because they were so busy. She was animatedly talking with someone on the phone, with a smile that he wished he could put a jar and open it when he needed a pick me up because God, it was glorious. He wasn't sure who she was talking to but he was glad that she had someone in her life that made her smile like that.

He sighed, looking back down at the paused screen of his game. They hadn't talked about the kiss at all in the past couple of weeks. He thought that Virginie would bring it up but she never did. She was solely focused on the case and making sure that Andreìna was going to be acquitted.

He knew that was important but he wanted to talk about where they stood. That kiss was life-shattering. He couldn't even look at Stephanie when he got home that day because he knew nothing that she could ever do to him could even come close to what he had experienced in that lounge. And it was just a kiss. He couldn't imagine what anything more than that felt like. He would probably pass out.

"Hey!" Virginie's voice brought him out his daydream. She was now standing next to him, the smell of her Daisy by Marc Jacobs' perfume tickled his nose. "Wake up, princess. You don't have to dream anymore; I'm right here." She winked, sending all of the blood to his groin. Her hand moved to his shoulder massaging it softly under her expert fingers and eliciting a hesitant moan from Alex. Damn her sexy tricks. "What were you thinking about?"

Alex knitted his eyebrows in frustration and slapped her fingers away. "Can you stop doing that?" These kinds of attacks had been coming more frequently ever since they kissed. She loved to tease him, especially when Stephanie was in the room, to show how much power she held over him. When reaching for a paper, her hands would drift towards his nether region and brush up against his crotch with just enough pressure to take his breath away momentarily.

She was such a tease and good at it, too.

Her expression immediately changed into something innocent and sweet. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He smirked and then looked up and down the hallway. There was no one there. Good. Because two can play at this game. He grabbed the collar of her black sheath dress and put his lips by her ear. "You want to act innocent? You've been playing games with me ever since we kissed in the lounge. But we both know that you want me to slam you up against that wall and learn all the ways to make you shiver." He felt a shiver run through her body and her heartbeat picking up. He kept his voice low but deep and steady, making sure his timbre soaked through her skin. He wanted his desire to be in her blood and hers in his so they could feel the lust that they had for each other. "Oh, but I'm sure you would love that. You want me to take you into an empty courtroom and release all of that tension you have, don't you?" He let go of her collar and faced her with a flawless smile. It's nice to be on the other end of this for once. I have to do this more often. "Now, what is it that you had to tell me?"

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