V. safety

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 Alex stepped into the Borden Law Firm, hoping none of his appointments had arrived yet. He still arrived at work with decent timing, considering the circumstances. It was 9:45 and he started working at 9. A steel oval desk and script lettering saying "Borden Law" greeted him in the front. The main waiting area was empty, the only sound was the flat screen talking about the shooting at the coffee shop.

"Authorities have no idea what the motive behind the shooting was, but we have been told that there has been one casualty. The perpetrators did not rob the shop so authorities do think killing was the sole motive here. All of the other people who were injured only have superficial wounds. Our correspondent, Jonathan Laxton is on the scene with the latest..."

The firm's secretary, Linda, was staring sadly at the television and tapping her fingers anxiously against the desk. One of her fingers was in her mouth as she chewed on the hangnail on her pinky. Alex hoped her activities would allow her to ignore her him but he knew that was asking for too much. She had the biggest crush on him ever since Alex started working at the firm a couple of years ago. Him becoming the youngest partner in the firm's history only added to her infatuation.

Linda wore her hair in a short brown bob that often hadn't been washed. She had tanned porcelain skin with muddy brown eyes and thin, flat eyebrows. She was short but had a long neck. She didn't wear any makeup other than concealer, a coat of mascara and red lipstick. She tried on personalities like pairs of ill-fitting jeans. Today she wore a form-fitting black wrap dress with a deep v-neck to show off her huge breasts. It was a cheap ploy, and if she cared to know anything about Alex at all, she wouldn't be leaning over the desk trying to get his attention.

Once Alex entered through the glass double doors, Linda shot up from her desk and wrapped her arms around before he could even manage a "good morning". He cleared his throat and gently pushed her away, not looking for a HR complaint from her.

"Mr. Stroud, I was just so worried! I've been listening about the news about the coffee shop all morning! At first, I thought were too strong to let these guys hit you but when you didn't come to work at your usual time...I started to worry. But I shouldn't have! I should have stuck to my original thought," Linda blabbered, tears falling down her cheeks. "I am so relieved to see you are okay."

"I see London, I see Sam's Town, hold my hand and let's my hair down...roll that world right off my shoulder..." Brandon Flowers' voice filled the area as Alex's phone buzzed. For once, he was grateful for his older brother's pestering.

"Thank you for that, Linda," Alex managed, hoping his tone would indicate that he needed to get going. Even though her obsession was borderline stalkerish, he couldn't find the heart to be rude to her. He knew she had lost a husband a couple of years ago and still hadn't found anyone to fill the void. Sometimes, when he stayed late and she was there too, he could see the dried tears on her face in the fluorescent lights. "But I have to take this."

She nodded, quickly wiping away her tears. "But of course. You need time to digest what happened and you have work to do. But if you need anything, I'm always ready." She winked and returned to her duties at the front desk as Alex shuddered.

I don't doubt that.

He turned the corner to get into his office and checked the caller ID just to be certain. He didn't even know why. Ethan had personalized his ringtone every time Alex got a phone so that he would be able to discern him from the numerous other pestering calls he would get throughout the day. He hated having a song for a ringtone instead of his generic one but it was easier to ignore Ethan when necessary.

He went around his personal secretary's desk so she wouldn't see him before he slipped into his office. She would have something snippy to say and he didn't have the time to bark back. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now because this call was going to take some time and his brother would think he was dead if he didn't answer right away. Even though Ethan knew that Alex wasn't.

"Ethan," Alex answered, already annoyed at the conversation before it started. He placed his briefcase on his mahogany desk and sat in his big leather swivel chair.

"Alex," Ethan fumed, "why the fuck did you think that it wasn't necessary to tell me that the coffee shop that you were in GOT SHOT UP this morning?"

"Because I'm alive," Alex replied, using his feet to spin him around in his chair. Something about being spun around in the $1,000 seat made him feel happy. "Besides, I knew Jabari was going to give you a better report than I could."

"How could Jabari give a better report than THE PERSON WHO ACTUALLY GOT SHOT AT AND SAW THE SUSPECT?!" Ethan yelled. Alex flinched, almost feeling his spit flying through the phone.

"First of all, I didn't actually see them. I was looking at the ground. Regardless, Jabari had more information from other people who were in the cafe. That would've given you a more well-rounded idea of what happened. Also, I knew you would react like this and I didn't want to hear it."

"Well, you're going to hear it whether you like it or not. 'I'm Alex and I almost got filled up with lead today because there's a group of guys trying to kill me but I was saved by a hot superhero who just happened to disappear after said shooting was over. Just because I didn't die, I shouldn't tell my brother anything about it! He should hear it from somebody else!' Does that sound anywhere near intelligent to you?" Alex gritted his teeth in annoyance but he knew that he was the one who was in the wrong.

"You're right," Alex relented. The real reason why he had neglected to tell Ethan was that he hated feeling like he couldn't protect himself without his brother. He knew that's what older brothers were for, but he held comfort in knowing that he was safe by himself. The shooting had taken that away from him.

"Hmph," Ethan sniffed, sounding somewhat surprised that Alex had given in so easily. "You bet your Rolex I am. Anyway, we need to get you protected immediately. A little birdie told me that your savior is going to be at the gala tonight. We shall try to talk to her then to see what she can do for you."

Alex was speechless. He didn't know that he was going to have the opportunity to see her again so soon. He swallowed loudly and his brother laughed. "Cat got your tongue? It's too bad that you'll have a date tonight, though, I heard from Jabari that she's quite beautiful. I just might have to smash."

Alex was confused. He didn't even know Ethan knew what the word "smash" meant. "What the hell is it with you and Jabari and having sex with random women?" Alex blurted out, sounding more possessive than he meant to. I don't like her...like that. I want to talk to her, that's all. She might be my bodyguard so of course I have to get to know her.

"Jabari was right. You do like this girl." Ethan laughed. "Hearing you like this was worth looking that word up on Urban Dictionary."

Alex said nothing. He hated Ethan and Jabari's talks about his state of mind. They thought they knew him better than he knew himself and the worst part was, the majority of the time, they were right.

"I have things to do, little brother. I'll see you tonight. Wear something nice for once, huh?" Before Alex could retort, he heard the familiar beeping that announced that a call had ended.

He frowned. His brother was an asshole. Alex had an enormous selection of luxury tuxedos from all around the world, most of which he hadn't worn yet. He looked "nice" all the time.

Yet he found himself canceling his morning appointments and heading to 5th avenue to buy a new tuxedo. He needed to look more than "nice" tonight.

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