LXVIII. culmination

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A/N: I have the edits for this chapter on paper but  I am very tired after the long week I've had so I'm just going to post this unedited because that's what I promised y'all I was going to do. I have to rewrite the ending for the Agency (because we are extremely close to the end) so might take another hiatus in a couple of weeks if I don't finish it in time for the last couple of chapters are supposed to be posted. I hope y'all enjoy. Just know the edited version will be better.

TW: Homophobic slur

"Have you checked on his location yet?" Ethan asked for about the hundredth time as he sped down I-95 N.

They were all crammed into a minivan with the A/C blasting but Virginie was still sweating. She was so nervous. She had a terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"How many times does she have to tell you? We're going the right way," Jabari answered, rolling his eyes. "She's been here before; haven't you, gorgeous?" He sent a wink her way that made her blush.

Virginie nodded, trying to get out of her own dark thoughts. "Yeah, we're going the right way. It was dark when he took me but I still remember how to get there."

"Can you stop flirting with other people's girlfriends?" Corey called from the backseat, causing Colette to giggle.

Jabari gave him an earnest look. "I can understand why you're concerned for your relationship's well being. They don't call me Mr. Steal-Your-Girl for nothing."

Virginie smacked Jabari upside the head. "Shut up, Trey Songz." She turned back to Corey with a stony expression. "I am no one's girlfriend. I don't belong to anyone."

Corey rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Virginie checked her phone again out of habit and scrunched her face up when she saw the screen. Colette noticed her troubled expression. "What's going on?"

"Someone's messing with Alex's tracker again. It's reading like he's at work." Virginie bit her lip and began tapping her foot.

Colette's eyes widened. "You don't think..."

Virginie nodded. "I do think." She turned to Ethan. "Step on it, Ethan. We have a pimp to catch."

As they pulled up to Robert's mansion, Ethan pushed the button for the buzzer. She hoped that the men who had been here the last time she came to this cursed house were working.

"Who's there?" a gruff voice came from the speaker.

Virginie cleared her throat and leaned over before speaking. "It's Virginie. Virginie Methót. I'm here to see Robert Chavez."

The man coughed. "Yes, yes, Ms. Methót! I have been told that you are always welcome here. Please come in."

The gates opened with a buzz and a lurch and the team made their way up the long driveway.

Once they pulled up to the door, Brian, the butler from the last time, was there to greet them. He beamed at Virginie, barely noticing the four other people behind her.

"Miss, it's so good to see you again! You look beautiful!" Brian gushed, bowing.

Virginie giggled as she heard Colette snort quietly behind her. "Brian, stop it! I thought I told you not to do any of that fancy foolishness with me."

"I can't help it, ma'am," Brian admitted. "You look like you should be treated like royalty so I often forget your kind words." He blushed. "Not in a bad way, of course, ma'am, I―" He looked grateful for the distraction from his awful mess of an introduction. "Who are your friends?"

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