LXVIX. impossible

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A/N: I graduated from college! This chapter is short because I don't know if I want to keep the ending I have. I am going to try my hardest to make sure that I can complete it in a more timely matter. I have a new computer now so I can write from home instead of having to go to the library. My deepest apologies for the random hiatus. I just want this to be as good as possible.

TW: Statutory rape, abuse

"I am such a fucking loser," David mumbled to himself, stumbling around his office, drinking Black Label. He didn't remember how he had gotten here but he knew why he was drinking.

"Rose, Rose, Rose," he moaned, pouring himself another shot. Or bottle. Or drink. Or cup. He wasn't quite sure what he was pouring the liquids into. As long as the alcohol fell into his mouth, that was all that mattered to him. "Why don't you understand how much I care about you? I've given you everything but it's still not enough."

He wished that she would allow him to call her Rose. He had gotten so used to calling her that but once she got her codename, she didn't want to be referred to as any other name.

"Rose is dead," she had shouted at him when he complained and begged her to allow him to use the name. But that didn't stop him from using the nickname. He didn't understand why it got her so upset. It was something that he only used with her and he was positive that none of her other clients used that nickname. I was so nice to her. I took care of her. Why is she so bitter towards me?

He spun around in a circle and got queasy. His vision was a kaleidoscope of colors and objects, constantly colliding and slipping by each other. He was so drunk that he didn't know from up from down or left from right.

All he knew was that he loved Rose and would do anything to have her.

He threw up, all of his sorrows pouring out of him like a geyser. He was quite sure that he was on the floor now because the vomit was floating next to him and that was impossible. At least, that's what he thought.

"Sir! Are you serious? It's 11 o'clock in the morning!" His secretary, Elizabeth, chided. He couldn't see her properly but he knew her voice. He could feel her arms slipping under his shoulders and placing him on one of the armchairs in his office.

"Sorrow has no timeframe, my dear," he mumbled, his head in his chest.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, why are you so obsessed with Raven, anyway? I can understand the appeal...she's gorgeous, smart, and insanely talented but there are plenty of other women out there."

"There's no one else like her so there's no one else for me," he quipped.

"But why is she so repulsed by you?" It sounded like she had sat in the chair next to him.

David frowned. He thought everyone knew the story of him and Rose. He hadn't told anyone but he thought that she would be proud of being the boss's favorite and would spread the word as to why.

"She...never told you?" he asked.

He tried turning to the direction of her voice. It looked like she was shaking her head but he couldn't quite make it out. She noticed that he had trouble seeing and said, "She's never told anyone. People ask her about it all the time but she never gives a straightforward answer. That's why I was wondering if you could tell me."

"We used to fuck," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry? You what?" Elizabeth choked out.

"Did your parents not teach you anything? When a man and woman love each other very much, feelings start to grow and they―"

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