Brainiac vs Ultron

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Requested by JohnathenYoungs

Masters of robotics. These builders of great armies work best when commanding their troops, but are known to be capable of defending themselves


12th-level intellect

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12th-level intellect

For comparison, the population of 20th century Earth as a whole (excluding superhumans, other robots or cyborgs, nonhumans, Lex Luthor and other outliers) constitutes a 6th-Level intelligence and the population of 31st century Earth as a whole is a 9th-Level intelligence.

Theoretically this means Brainiac alone has the intelligence of at least the entire population of Earth in the 41st century.

Will eventually revive himself if his motherboard is intact or if he downloaded his software into another computer.

Sometimes depicted with kryptonian technology or origins.

A majority of his appearances are actually robotic clones

Technology and Abilities

Force field belt capable of resisting Superman's strength  and heat-vision

Some depictions of his shield can injure or destroy those who touch it

A shrink ray capable of reducing cities or planets to handheld sizes. This ray is depicted as a handheld pistol.

Sometimes Brainiac owns pistols or bombs capable of various other energy blasts; including EMPs and disintegration beams.

Mechanical tentacles

6 total: according to Injustice 2

These tentacles have drills designed to go through skulls.


Sometimes depicted with mind control technology.

Cybernetically enhanced strength, endurance

His mothership can fuel his body; thus increasing his strength to be on par with that of kryptonians

Telepathy, Telekinesis

Psychic powers further augmented by an implanted electrode head-piece

Plasma, psychic or electrical blasts (normally from his hands or head) able to rival Superman's heat-vision.

Tractor beams.


Self repair

Can increase his power and physique by absorbing technology around him. [5] [6]

Possesses a variety of bodies; including massive mechs

Mind-Control Nanobots; which brainwashed Batman and influenced Lex Luthor.

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