Ragna and Kratos vs RWBY and JNPR

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Requested by UltimateDestoroyah

RWBY and JNPR are known to be teams of the most toughest fighters. But can they stand up against powerful peak human fighters associated with Norse and Greek Mythology?


Azure Grimoire

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Azure Grimoire

Gives Ragna virtually unmatched control over seithr

Absorbs the soul of its target

Augmented by the Idea Engine

Acquired from the dying ^-No.11

Adds the ability to create a force shield

Can activate Blood Kain without losing life force

Turned Ragna's right eye red when bonded with him

Doubles Ragna's attack power

Move Set

Hell's Fang

Dashes in with a seithr-enhanced punch

Inferno Divider

A rising leap slash using his sword

Gauntlet Hades

Downward strike powered by seithr

Dead Spike

Summons the jaws of the Black Beast

Blood Kain

Boosts speed, power and soul-draining ability


Accelerated healing ability

Extremely high pain tolerance

Taken many impale wounds through vital organs

Sacrificed his left arm showing zero pain

Punched a crater into a wall with his non-Azure Grimoire hand

Defeated the giant anti-Black Beast bio-weapon, Take-Mikazuchi

Can defeat Murakumo Units without using his Azure Grimoire


Not a perfect fighter

A huge risk taker

Prefers to walk openly in public  despite the huge bounty on him

As absurb as his power is, Ragna is still nowhere near Jubei's level

If he loses control, Ragna can transform into the Black Beast itself(Though he was the original Black Beast)



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