Phoenix Wright vs Makoto Neigi

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Requested by DTW123348

Ace Attorney faces Dangan Ronpa in a thrilling murder mystery as two of the toughest detectives prepares to take on the toughest cases!

Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright

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Managed to push aside several guards

Has tackled down doors

Can seemingly lay down the truth so hard that it knocked Frank Sahwit back... well as shake the court.....

....he even shattered Manfred Von Karma's cane by doing this.

In Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, can attack by pointing, sneezing, throwing papers at foes, etc.

Can attack in a similar fashion in Project X-Zone 2


Barely reacts to hot coffee being tossed onto him by Godot

(Mostly) shrugs off whip slashes from Franziska Von Karma

Taken a beating from Furio Tigre and Jean Armstrong

Been tased to unconsciousness with a 600,000 volt taser

Has been clobbered with a fire extinguisher

He had amnesia for a bit afterwards though

Survived being pounced by a tiger

Chewed up and swallowed a glass necklace with traces of poison in it with no ill effect

Fell from a burning bridge into a freezing, raging river.

This river has a reputation of sweeping away those who fall into it forever

He survives this, but with a severe cold

Has been hit by a car, thrown thirty feet, and hit his head on a telephone pole

Only sustained a sprained ankle as an injury

Tanked a TNT explosion (followed by Luke Triton falling on his back)



A Kurain artifact

Infused with spiritual energy from Pearl Fey

Allows the user to see when someone is hiding something

In Project X-Zone 2, is infused with magic from Morrigan Aensland

Maya also asked for Wright to be "able to lay a big ol' objection" on his foes, and "to be as strong as the Steel Samurai"

The source for his abilities (at least in canon and Project X-Zone 2)

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